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There is something that can accelerate your creation process, thus strengthening the focus on what you want, namely: Desire. Desire is a very powerful emotion, releasing inhibitions. Imagine your head being pushed under water. You don’t ask yourself why this is happening. You don’t have time to wonder about anything, because you only have one desire: you want AIR!
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The world is changing: absurd high-energy frequencies are washing over the world like huge waves. What we are observing is particularly noticeable in the news: more and more dramatic happenings, one after another and there does not seem to be an end to it. People all over the world cannot deal with these frequencies and carry out the most dreadful crimes.
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Feeling secure is priceless and something that will sustain us for a lifetime. We look for it in others; the network of your friends, family and relationships offer a guaranteed safety net, making you feel secure. However, if we set ourselves too many boundaries, we often disregard ourselves. Even if we feel that certain relationships cost us a lot of effort, we are still prepared to submit to the wishes of others.
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In your trusted surroundings you are free, but as soon as you come into contact with others, you bury your feelings. You shut yourself up in a cocoon to protect yourself from rejection. Please know that vulnerability is a strength as opposed to a weakness.
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You are at a point where you are hesitant to move forward. You wonder if you have enough to offer or that maybe you have to learn something new before being able to take the next step.
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You want freedom, but you are afraid of the responsibility that comes with it. The idea that you have to move forward by yourself frightens you. You ask yourself if you can do this or maybe you think that your dream is too far-fetched.
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Everything is moving; from the immense planets in the cosmos to the smallest cells in our body. Nothing remains the same, neither do you.
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Whatever you transmit today has an effect on whatever crosses your path tomorrow. If you create from your present reality, please realise that at a certain time this will return to you. That is why it is important not to transmit your wishes from old thinking patterns. Search for what you really want, and don’t focus on what you need in order to temporarily solve your current problems.
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You make choices in your life, big or small, every day. Often it is necessary to just stop and look at what you are doing. Taking impulsive action is not the right thing to do, because you want clarity about your personal development. Take a moment to see if you are still on the right path.
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Body and mind are joined together. They give each other signals and communicate with one another in this way. When you experience physical pain, please realise that there is an energetic counterpart to explain why you feel that pain. Nothing happens without a reason.
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