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Janosh Column “Shift” (sequal to “Christ Consciousness”)

After I had published my last column I was certainly not planning to write a second one so soon. This is not the way it usually happens, but for several days I have felt the urge to write a sequel to “Christ Consciousness”. I received a huge number of reactions, not only about the code but also about the column and practically all were words of thanks and recognition. It gave me a great feeling to depart on a journey with this energy, but soon after I left The Netherlands, it became clear that I was not finished with this process. Different messages and discussions made me feel challenged to set something else in motion. Everywhere I pick up signals if there is something big going on in the world and I am then invited to make a contribution to this shift. Behind the new code (and actually all my codes) there is a message, which needs to come out. It has been a secret for many centuries, guarded by the elite, which has had an enormous influence upon the power ratio in the world. It’s hard to explain in a few short words, but I feel that the time has come to tell a bit more.

A major shift

Perhaps this is not making a lot of sense, but what gave me the deciding factor to write something more, was the announcement in the news that the Pope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) and Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) were both declared as canonized on the 27th April. According to church rules an acknowledged miracle is necessary for a beatification and a second for a canonization. Wojtyla was recognized for the second miracle after he had cured an Italian woman of cancer. This is supposed to have happened on the 1st May 2011, after he had performed another inexplicable healing on another woman. Roncalli had no official right to a canonization, but the present Pope Francis used his position and influence to get past the rules and regulations.

What surprised me about this message was the timing. Probably I would have normally never given this any attention, but so soon after the Christ Consciousness it gave me the confirmation that something is about to happen. I am absolutely convinced that within the walls of the Vatican people felt that there is a huge shift taking place, but the way that the Church is now manifesting itself gives a feeling of impurity. After having done some research, I discovered that John Paul II during his papacy (in his capacity as the Pope) canonized a total of 482 people. This is more than ever performed before by his predecessors, since the Vatican has ruled the papacy. Not that strange when you think that during his rule the new church law book has been written, in which the rules concerning canonization have been drastically relaxed. What is strange is that John Paul II who has not even been dead for 10 years has now been given one of the highest accolades. A pope has never been canonized so soon after his death and as such he is the third Pope from the 20th Century (after Prius X and John XIII) to add this status to his name. And this makes me ask: why now? Why in this way? What is the Vatican keeping from us? And what is it trying to transmit, having been in the spotlight so much over the past few years?

Now it’s not my intention to put people against the Church and I do not wish to suggest that the canonized Popes did not deserve their status. But in a world where we are all searching for freedom and connection, it’s not right that the key to oneness is kept from us. In a world where we battle and compete with one another and where we are made dependent on all sorts of authorities and systems, pioneers are needed who spread the truth across the universe to bring our life here on earth towards the light. The Church has one part of the truth in their own hands. It is well known that holy documents are kept and that no one can read them and for a long time there has been speculation that many historical discoveries are purchased by and then hidden in archives of the Vatican (amongst others the works of Plato, Galileo Galilei and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene).

At the same time in moments of unrest, churches are filled to capacity and that is not without a reason. People find something there that feels holy and soon I will reveal what that is. It’s something that you will be surprised about: an important piece of knowledge, which has made us so dependant on the Church over the years. I am going to share this piece of information live in a special webcast and if you want to know when, please watch my website or enroll yourself for my newsletter so that you will hear about it.

To be continued…

From heart to heart,



Елена Бушуева


Leonora Shparyova

БЛАГОДАРЮ!!! Жду с нетерпением!!!


Как всегда, очень интересно и ценно! Благодарю!

Ольга Кочерова


Tatjana Katiniene

Благодарю, информация очень интригует…

Gulnara Mironenko


Марина Бурова

Благодарю от всего сердца!!!Любви и радости всем!!!

Людмила Филатова




Galina Svobodnaya


Наталья Рыбакова

Благодаря. Пусть день наполняется чистотой

Людмила Бурдина

Благодарю!!!Пусть каждый день приносит всем нам ещё больше Света,Счастья и безусловной Любви!!! Благодарю!!!

Leonora Shparyova

БЛАГОДАРЮ!!! Очень интересная статья.


Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Когда соединилась с новым кодом – плакала! Такая мощная чистка прошла! Еще раз благодарю!

Марина Бармина


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