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Arcturian corridor. Step 11 – We now return to our journey

Dear Ones,

We, the Arcturians, welcome you back to the Arcturian Corridor. Much has occurred in your life and in your world since we first activated this Corridor on September 11, 2008. Changes are everywhere and within everyone. Each of you is now a refined instrument in Gaia’s orchestra performing the symphony of “Planetary Ascension.” Read more…


It seems as though we are called to conflict more and more. We are challenged by our surroundings and get caught up in discussions, confrontations and battles. The opposites in life are increasing. The gap between good and bad and light and dark is growing.
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You are going through a period of strong growth. New experiences help you to become much firmer about life. You are more confident about yourself, clearer about what you want and where you are going.
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Arcturian corridor. Step 10 – Fifth Dimensional Venus. Connection

Being on fifth dimensional Venus reminds you of how you and your Divine Complement came as ONE Being from the higher dimensional worlds to prepare for your incarnation into third dimensional Earth. It was during the fall of Atlantis, and Gaia had sent out a call to Beings of higher dimensional Light to assist her. The darkness of her people had overcome the light, and her planet was in danger of destruction. Read more…

Activation: Connection with HigherSelf (RUS)

Have you ever wondered why you are never completely yourself? Why is it, that every situation requires a different role? It can be quite tiring if the outside world requires you to be someone you’d rather not be, but above all it is frustrating when in the meantime you try hard to discover who you are. Please realise that this is where you lose a lot of energy. To fluctuate between two worlds makes you indecisive and susceptible for external influences. Stop, listen and take a look at yourself. Who you are, is less relevant than knowing who you are not! All qualities you have received as a human being, are part of a mask; name, descent, character, etc. You don’t need to rid yourself of these, as long as you understand why you wear this mask. It is the protection you need in order to function in this world. However, make sure your mask doesn’t blind you, but remember that you, an all-knowing soul, are behind the mask.

Mirrors of the Soul

The holograms are a message to us to remind us who we really are and what we can achieve.

Awareness / Realisation

The universe lives according to the law that energy is cyclical, which means: all that you broadcast, returns. So it is in fact very simple to transmit what you want by means of thoughts and feelings, and subsequently receiving it back at a later time. We humans make it all more complicated than it really is. We do not realise that we are able to perform miracles, because we seek confirmation in explainable facts in everything that happens.
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Arcturian corridor. Step 9 – The Threshold into the Fifth Dimension

Dear Ones,

We the Arcturians have enjoyed our time with you in the Crystal Temple located on the threshold of the fifth dimension. We have shared your peace and joy and reveled in your acceptance of our unconditional love. Are you ready to step across this threshold and into the HERENESS and NOWNESS of the fifth dimension? We remind you that as you transition into the fifth dimension, the limitations of time and space will begin to disappear. Read more…


Dear One,

Since you entered our Corridor, the experiences you’ve had here that have been unavailable to your mundane mind will likely find their way into your dreams. Hence, we would like to teach you how to carry over your dream information into your waking life. When you sleep, you close off your physical consciousness and open up your consciousness to the true, higher dimensional reality. In other words, when you “go to sleep,” you log-out of the 3D hologram and return to the reality of your SELF to have adventures and communicate with higher beings, including the higher expressions of your self. Read more…

Card XIII – The Coward with its emotion Ignorant

What does this card tell you:

This card tells you that you’re disappointed in yourself, or even have a feeling of guilt! About choices you’ve made in the past. Tell me honestly, how many times have you denied yourself and not been taken seriously because of ‘keeping the peace ‘? It is possible that this card holds up a mirror in front of you, telling you that you don’t have to be angry or disappointed about yourself. You are NOT a coward! How you condemn yourself says something about your self-esteem and the lack of it and this can stunt your growth further. Read more…


The path to enlightenment brings us new challenges and experiences. With every step, we make ourselves more aware of our knowledge and strength which enables us to shape our own lives single-handedly. We learn to trust our intuition and get our answers from higher dimensions. However, the downside of this development is that it can be difficult to keep functioning.
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