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Body and mind are joined together. They give each other signals and communicate with one another in this way. When you experience physical pain, please realise that there is an energetic counterpart to explain why you feel that pain. Nothing happens without a reason. Loe edasi…


Mõtteid ei ole… Sõnu ei ole… Nii vaimustav on aeg-ajalt mitte millestki mõelda, – ja lihtsalt olla. Midagi taolist ei juhtu tihti, mitte alati ei jätku meil aega, ja ometi ihkame me iga päeva rutus seda üha rohkem ja rohkem.
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Enesest lugupidamine

Sageli oleme me üksteisele peegliks. Me määrame oma väärtuse, võrreldes end teiste inimestega, aktsentueerides oma tähelepanu alati sellel, mida meil meie arvates ei jätku. Te ei saa oma annet näha, kui mõtlete, et kellegi anne on suurem. Mõnikord on meil sellisele inimesele ebamugav isegi silma vaadata.
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We are often addicted to limited behaviour. We have difficulty in letting things go, because they give us feelings of safety and security. After all, we know the patterns through and through so we always know exactly where we are. Addiction to drama and continually being in the same kind of processes are convincing us that we are alive and something is happening. Loe edasi…

New Frequency: Sacrifice

The power to succeed lies at the heart of your willingness to letting things go. That certainly applies when you have big and ambitious goals. You can’t create everything at the same time, so you will have to choose how, when and with whom you invest your energy. As a result, this may mean you have to postpone certain things, leave things behind or you may have disappoint people in your environment. Loe edasi…


Synchronicity is recognizing signs in everyday life. When you see or experience something which may feel coincidental, then you know you are on the right path. It is a sign that your energy attracts incidents that are in line with your wishes. It can also be that a moment of choice is announcing itself and the Universe is showing you which direction to go.
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Erinevatest allikatest (kaasa arvatud kanaldused) saabub meile informatsiooni uutest energiatest. Need kõik langevad kokku ühes asjas: energiasagedused Maal tõusevad.
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Vaikus ja meelerahu – neid seisundeid tuleb ette üha harvemini. Meie tiheda töögraafikuga kaasneb tavaliselt kiirustamine, – nii me liigume punktist A punkti B. Mõnikord isegi näib, et kaotame asjatult aega, kui lubame endal koguda jõudu ega ole sel hetkel mitte millegagi hõivatud.

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You are at a crossroads in your life and you are hesitating to move on. You have to make a choice but you are not sure which one. Most of the time, the first thought that comes to mind is what you truly feel, but we are inclined to analyseour options much too thorough.
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