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It is going to happen now…

This week’s frequency is Breakthrough. I actually have a sort of love-hate relationship with this “super code”. On the one hand this frequency feels very powerful and inspiring. The word “breakthrough” is associated with great changes. But there is also something that revokes resistance. Having a breakthrough also tells a story about your fear, behaviour and everything that is going on inside of you which is coming to a head. It is the feeling of constantly being on edge until you decide that you’ve had enough. You then just brush it all off and with a primal force that appears out of nowhere you suddenly get everything done. “Why can’t I feel this kind of strength every day?” I wonder. Apparently there is always something that needs to happen before having a breakthrough.
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The power of connection in one frequency

Every week a different frequency is made available to you online and in this blog I would like to elaborate on the reason for doing so. This week’s frequency is called Christ Consciousness. Loe edasi…

(Русский) 22-25 апреля – Священный Ритрит: От Сексуальности до Любви к Cамому Cебе

Новые семинары Яноша в Киеве!

В марте 2016 года Янош снова приезжает в Киев с новой программой!

Многие из нас уже давно знакомы с кодами Яноша, кто-то недавно, кто-то уже проходит активации и применяет сакральную геометрию для более полноценной и качественной жизни, для раскрытия своего потенциала и знает как это работает.

Обладаешь ли ты сильной интуицией? Чувствителен ли ты к эмоциям других людей? Приходят ли к тебе часто ощущения того, что ты призван помочь кому-то преодолеть какие-либо препятствия? И хотел бы ты узнать, как это сделать лучше всего? Возьмёшь ли ты на себя смелость, чтобы быть самим собой? Осмелишься ли ты сказать, что чувствуешь? Решишься ли ты заявить о том, чего ты так страстно желаешь? Наберёшься ли ты духу, чтобы одарить себя любовью?

Добро пожаловать на уникальные семинары Яноша, которые навсегда изменят твою жизнь!

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Disease versus Consciousness

If this is the first time you read one of my blogs, I would like to give you some more background information. I create holograms. These holograms are based on geometry. I see them in my mind’s eye as colourful images and when I feel the time is right, I create them on my computer. It feels like they are being channeled. It is almost as if I can take a peek behind reality. Often I receive information about the meaning of the holograms, during or after making them. Each hologram has a unique frequency. This is how I actually call them: “frequencies” (as if you tune into a radio station). Online, in workshops and during presentations I share more about what can be achieved when you learn to work with these frequencies. They are unique keys to passion, creation and consciousness. Loe edasi…

New Frequency: Sacrifice

The power to succeed lies at the heart of your willingness to letting things go. That certainly applies when you have big and ambitious goals. You can’t create everything at the same time, so you will have to choose how, when and with whom you invest your energy. As a result, this may mean you have to postpone certain things, leave things behind or you may have disappoint people in your environment. Loe edasi…


Synchronicity is recognizing signs in everyday life. When you see or experience something which may feel coincidental, then you know you are on the right path. It is a sign that your energy attracts incidents that are in line with your wishes. It can also be that a moment of choice is announcing itself and the Universe is showing you which direction to go.
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10 frequencies to keep you going!

Did you make beautiful plans for 2016 and suspect that it’s going to be difficult to keep going? These frequencies help you to stay on track! Loe edasi…

Janosh’i artikkel “Piiride puudumine”

Need teist, kes mu tööga juba tuttavad on, teavad, et iga hologramm mõjub meie alateadvuse teatud osale. Ma nimetan hologramme koodideks, sest nad aitavad dešifreerida meie sisse peidetud informatsiooni. Iga kood sisaldab teatud kindlal sagedusel informatsiooni, aga täpsemalt – vibratsioonilist energiat, mis resoneerib meie tunnetega. Artiklites kirjeldan ma isiklikku kogemust nende koodide energiate vastuvõtmisel. Tavaliselt räägin neist koodidest, mis on teatud ajahetkel kõige tugevamad, ja jagan oma arvamust meie arengu kohta koodi teema raames.


Tunnet, mida ma antud hetkel kogen, on raske kirjeldada. See on sügav soov, mis ilmuda tahab, kuid sellele on keeruline anda selget kuju. Ma ei hakkaks seda isegi nimetama emotsiooniks, sest selle lätted on märksa sügavamal. Ma näen, kuidas harjumuspärane maailm pudeneb koost ja ilmub nähtavale uus maailm. Suhtlemine hinge tasandil on loomulik omavaheline kooseksisteerimine ja edeneb sedamööda, kuidas ma lasen lahti „inimolendi” rolli. Paljutki on minuga viimastel aastatel juhtunud, olen paljutki näinud, kuid nüüd kogen ma midagi uut. See on tunne, et ainus, mida ma teha võin, on olla ühenduses südame tasandil.

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Janosh Webinar: Protection

Janosh is getting back to his popular webinars. On Tuesday 15 December at 10 p.m. he will share his information about the frequency Protection. Feel free to join this webinar, in which you can enjoy the activation and connect with Janosh and other viewers through the chat. Loe edasi…


Erinevatest allikatest (kaasa arvatud kanaldused) saabub meile informatsiooni uutest energiatest. Need kõik langevad kokku ühes asjas: energiasagedused Maal tõusevad.
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