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(Русский) Энергетическая частота – Дуальность



You have confusing thoughts and feelings that are probably not in agreement with you. You are picking them up from your surroundings, through discussions and interactions with the people around you. Certain words, stories, experiences, emotions; they all remain hanging in your system. Toliau…




Our soul is constantly working for us. She shows us the way and wants to inspire us. Often we don’t listen, because the signals from the soul sometimes seem illogical. They don’t fit within the boundaries of our thinking. This is what you experience when you feel something is going to happen, but you are not sure exactly what.


Gylusis Prabudimas

Kartais mes jaučiame, kad viskas vyksta ne taip. Senosios programos ir klaidingi įsitikinimai vis sugrįžta, ir atrodo, kad progreso nėra, bet tai tik iliuzija. Jūs teisingame kelyje, gyliojo prabudimo link!




You often have the feeling that you are standing on your own. And then if you take the step to ask for help, or even enter into a form of co-operation, always remember to feel from which emotion you make a choice. If you are looking for help because you lack something, or you need something from someone else? Then this says that you don’t attach enough worth to who you are or what you want. Toliau…

Galutinis Sugrįžimas

Egzistuoja užmojis, ir jis vykdomas, sugrąžinti žmonija į gerai pažįstama sąmonės lygį – šitas lygis egzistavo Atlantidos laikais. Naujos energijos bangos supa Žemę ir reikalauja iš mūsų gyventi, remiantis daugiau mūsų jausmais, tai ruošia mus milžiniškam evoliucijos šuoliui, po kurio mes nustosime būti priklausomais nuo mūsų aplinkybės.


How badly do you want to fulfill your dreams? How many times have you tried? Which steps have you taken? Often you feel you are close, yet something is preventing you from making it happen. Everything is there, yet you’re not owning it. There always seems to be a “but” – but I still have to learn so much; but I still have to work through so much; but I still need this or that. It is time to let go of these saboteurs. However strange or hard a choice may be, you can’t avoid following your heart.




Learning from your mistakes is absolutely fine, but sometimes it can be too much. You have the idea that you are a victim of your environment. However, nothing happens without reason. Just as there are beautiful moments, there are negative ones too, which you have to go through. There are no peaks without valleys!