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You are transfiguring. This means that your transformation happens not only on an energetic level but also on a physical level. This can result in headaches and fatigue. It is your DNA which is changing because of new insights and your cells are being ‘informed’ accordingly.


Bendraudamas su kitais žmonėmis tu negali būti savimi. Tokiu būdu tu prisiderini, aukodamas savimi. Kiekvieno naujo kontakto metu tu prarandi energiją. Tai panašu į tai, lyg kas kartą tu atiduodi dalelę savęs. Tu kuri įvairius ryšius, kurie stabdo tavo vidinį procesą. Iš lėto tu pradedi pamiršti kas tu iš tiesų esi ir kokie norai tavimi valdo.

(Русский) Авторский блог Яноша: Как…? (февраль 2020)





Tu desperatiškai sieki tobulumo pavyzdžio ir dėl to tu neleidi sau daryti klaidų. Tu taip pat skiri per daug dėmesio tam, kas neatitinka, kas nesigauna, kas tave laiko ir t.t. Tu pradedi teisti save, ir kartais iš to išsirutulioja kai kas daugiau, nei tik tai. Tu iškarto jautiesi kaltas, todėl kad, ką tu bedarytum, tau niekada nepavyks to padaryti tobulai. Dėl šio kaltės jausmo tu kompensuoji įsiteikdamas kitiems, todėl kad nenori nieko nuvilti ar kam nors padaryti žalos. Visos šios elgesio manieros trukdo tavo paties sėkmei.


How often did you tell yourself: “I was almost there”?. You had the answers, the puzzle was complete and all of your hopes and desires were tuned into that one important moment. Everything was right, until the moment of truth itself. You had to take charge, but you didn’t. Something was holding you back to finish it, to seal the deal, but at the most crucial moment you saw yourself fail.

Сolumn “Echo & Rhythm”

For those of you who are familiar with my work, every hologram has a specific influence on a part of our subconscious. I call them codes, because they help you to decipher the hidden knowledge within you. Each code contains information in the form of a frequency, or in other words: a vibration of energy that resonates with our feelings. In my column I describe my personal experiences when I receive these frequencies. Usually I talk about the one that is most apparent at the moment and give my opinion about the developments within this theme.

Life Plan

Your life plan is not in your head, but in your heart. You cannot plan everything ahead by thinking rationally, because your soul does not work this way. It is important that you get in touch with your inner wisdom; that you dare to be honest and really feel what you want, how you want it and what your mission is.


Gyvenimas turi savo ritmą. Mūsų siela yra koreguojama pagal jį. Siela visada aiškiai duoda suprasti. Tais momentais, kai stovėdamas ant bangos, plauki su ją – tada tu jautiesi laimingas ir pakylėtas. Tavo gyvenime viskas klostosi, kaip buvo tikėtasi.
Tais atvejais, kai pasirinkimas būna tas, kuris darko ryšį su gamtos ritmu – pajunti pasipriešinimą ir emocijas, atkreipiančias dėmesį į tai, kad reikia ką nors keisti.


You have started a process and the longer it continues, the more difficult it becomes. Beforehand you had not expected that it would cost you so much time and energy. In the meantime all sorts of thoughts are playing in your mind and distracting you from your goal. Am I doing it right? Should it be this way? Is there another way? Is there another path? Do I have it in me? Can I do this?


You make a jump in your personal development. New inspiration and experiences have lifted you to the next level. But then it happens: a relapse. You find yourself in situations that you thought you left behind. It’s almost like all the wonderful progress that you made has vanished. You don’t know yourself anymore, and it seems like everything is against you. And then the old patterns come back. The ones you thought you released because of all the internal work you’ve done. Toliau…