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It seems as though we are called to conflict more and more. We are challenged by our surroundings and get caught up in discussions, confrontations and battles. The opposites in life are increasing. The gap between good and bad and light and dark is growing.


You are going through a period of strong growth. New experiences help you to become much firmer about life. You are more confident about yourself, clearer about what you want and where you are going.

Awareness / Realisation

The universe lives according to the law that energy is cyclical, which means: all that you broadcast, returns. So it is in fact very simple to transmit what you want by means of thoughts and feelings, and subsequently receiving it back at a later time. We humans make it all more complicated than it really is. We do not realise that we are able to perform miracles, because we seek confirmation in explainable facts in everything that happens.


The path to enlightenment brings us new challenges and experiences. With every step, we make ourselves more aware of our knowledge and strength which enables us to shape our own lives single-handedly. We learn to trust our intuition and get our answers from higher dimensions. However, the downside of this development is that it can be difficult to keep functioning.


You came into this world as a child, pure and loving. You laughed when you were happy, you cried when you were afraid. Love and fear were the only emotions you knew, which made everything simple.  As you got older, you learned that love was equal to pain. You were rejected increasingly, because not everyone wanted to be your friend. There were rules for what you could and could not do and if you didn’t follow the rules, you were punished.


Often people in your surroundings have different opinions to yours. When it only concerns one person, you can often discuss this. When there are more people who disagree, it becomes another story.

Janosh. My Story

It was in November 2003. At that time, I was not really into spirituality, energy or frequencies. But I did have some life questions. Who am I? And what is the reason of everything? What is the purpose of my life? And will everything end when I die? Has everything been for nothing then? I got an invitation for a special meditation on the night of 8 and 9 November of that year. I thought: there is no harm in trying. Lets try joining a special meditation. After that, strange things happened.


Change is always exciting but in some instances unsettling. We can never know in advance if any change will be a success. Especially if there is a lot at stake, we tend to be reluctant to make a choice. But no one has ever won the lottery without purchasing a ticket. It is not about a game of table tennis, but about your dream! To achieve what you desire, you have to go through the process.


Apei Janošą

Harmoniško sąskambio diena 2013 metais, kada Janošas nusprendė sudalyvauti įpatingoje meditacijoje, atsitiko kai kas visiškai netikėto. Pagal astrologinius skaičiavimus tuo metu į žemę buvo pasiustas milžiniškas energijos kiekis, bet Janošas gavo daug daugiau negu tikėjosi. Po meditacijos netikėtai pradėjo matyti trimates geometrines figūras – permatomas, įspūdingų spalvų. Tada Janošas dirbo reklamų dizaineriu ir naudojo savo įgūdžius, kad sukurtu matytus vaizdus kompiuteryje. Taip jo pirmieji darbai, kuriuos jis vadina hologramomis, įgavo materialia formą ir buvo išplatinti internete.


You have taken steps to change your life, but in your attempt to get ahead, you often hang on to the things you do not like about yourself. You consciously choose to shed off these characteristics, but from your subconscious they tend to rear their heads again.