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In the dance of cosmic frequencies, the Prosperity activation emerges as a powerful symphony of sacred geometry. It whispers the universal truth that the cosmos is conspiring in our favor, offering the boundless gifts of success and prosperity. This sacred code is a key to unlocking the inherent abundance that resides within every individual, beckoning them to step into a realm where life’s offerings are limitless.
Lasīt vairāk

(Русский) Энергетическая частота – ВНУТРЕННИЙ ОРАКУЛ

Lasīt vairāk


As you gaze upon this sacred geometric design, each line and curve resonates with a harmonious note in the universe’s symphony of abundance. This isn’t just a visual treat; it’s a journey into the heart of prosperity, guiding you to a life overflowing with love, success, and fulfillment.
Lasīt vairāk

Recording of the webinar “EVOLVE”

Did you miss the the EVOLVE webinar?

It was a gathering of incredible energy and transformation, and your presence would have added even more to it.
Lasīt vairāk


The Evolve Frequency pulsates with the essence of personal transformation. Each geometric line and angle whispers the call to embark on an inner journey, urging individuals to develop gradually from within.
Lasīt vairāk


Tu esi jūtīgs attiecībā pret frekvenču diapazoniem un enerģijām. Dažreiz tu vari kaut kur aiziet un nejusties savā ādā. Tev ir sajūta, ka tu ietekmējies no citu cilvēku emocionālajiem stāvokļiem un enerģijām, jūti, kā tās tevi ietekmē. No vienas puses, tā var būt tava spēja, no otras puses tā norāda uz tavu iekšējo jūtīgumu. Attiecies pret to apzināti, ja tu esi gana jūtīgs šādās situācijās. Šī apzinātība iekļauj sevī arī to, ka tev regulāri ir jāattīra tavs enerģētiskais lauks.
Lasīt vairāk

(Русский) С Новым 2024 годом!!!

Lasīt vairāk


As God in disguise, you are limitless, boundaryless and connected to all times, dimensions, and possibilities. You no longer need to ask yourself who you are and why you are here, because everything is clear.
Lasīt vairāk


The art of hacking your subconscious mind and habits, using nature’s built-in mechanisms to raise frequencies in your favor and become the best version of you.

If we’re just building our day based on what other people tell us we should be doing or what we learned about ourself in the past, we sort of are becoming a little robotic, and cut off from our divine spark where a lot of incredible things can come through.
Lasīt vairāk

Dance of The Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine Activation

Balancing and integrating masculine and feminine energies, achieving wholeness and unity.
Lasīt vairāk


You are Love and as Love you also attract only Love. Where there is Love, there is no place for fear and uncertainty, for Love as Power is Courage and Light. Let go of fear and let love be your guiding force.
Lasīt vairāk