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Tev savā dzīvē ir jāveic izvēles, svarīgas vai tikai knapi pamanāmas. Un tā katru dienu. Dažreiz ir jāapstājas un jāpaskatās ar ko tu īsti dari. Pieņemt pārsteidzīgus lēmumus būtu neprātīgi, par cik tu tiecies iegūt skaidrību savas attīstības procesā. Centies laiku pa laikam atrast sev brīžus, lai noskaidrotu vai tu esi uz pareizā ceļa.
Lasīt vairāk


Ķermenis un prāts ir savstarpēji cieši saistīti. Viņi viens otram nodod signālus un tādā veidā apmainās ar informāciju. Kad tu sajūti fiziskās sāpes, tad saproti, ka eksistē fiziskais dubult-nieks, kurš tev paskaidro to, kāpēc sajūti sāpes. nekas nenotiek tāpat vien.
Lasīt vairāk


Tu esi gatavs savas dzīves jaunam posmam. Tas, kas agrāk tev likās pieņemams un normāls, un likās ritēja pats savu gaitu, pēkšņi pārvērtās par cīņu, jo tu no tā visa vairs negūsti enerģiju. Tu to uzzini no tām situācijām, kurās jūties iztukšots, lai gan agrāk tās meta tev izaicinājumus. Neskatoties uz to, ka tu varēsi tālāk turpināt tādā pašā garā, ar noteikumu, ka tev būs jācīnās un tu nevarēsi padoties, tad agri vai vēlu tu sapratīsi, ka tas ievedīs tevi strupceļā.
Lasīt vairāk

Do you realise what you are creating with your thoughts?

The frequency I would like to share with you this week is Realisation. Whatever you do comes back to you. We know that it works this way, but do we actually realise this? Do you actually realise what you are creating with your intentions and thoughts? Lasīt vairāk


Bieži mēs spoguļojam viens otru. Mēs nosakām savu vērtību, salīdzinot sevi ar apkārtējiem cilvēkiem, bieži pievēršot uzmanību tam, kas mums pašiem pietrūkst. Tu nekad nespēsi novērtēt savas spējas un talantus, ja tu domāsi, ka citu spējas un talanti ir labāki par tavējiem. Dažreiz mums pat ir neveikli tādam cilvēkam skatīties acīs.
Lasīt vairāk

Take a peek into the future

When you feel it, hold onto it – that’s the frequency for this week. Momentum has everything to do with timing. It’s based on the belief that every action is in principle a good one. It’s just that not all of our actions achieve the same results. And, the moment that you choose to act is as important as the action itself. In other words, every time you’re in a situation that you have a chance to grow, feel whether it’s the right time to do or say something. If the time isn’t right, if it’s too early or too late to act, then don’t; otherwise, you might waste your energy or find yourself standing there empty handed. Lasīt vairāk

I’m a Arcturian

I receive a lot of stories, quotes and experiences by mail. Sometimes a message touches me and the only feeling I consequently have is: I’ll have to share this! So ,this week no blog but simply something I would like to share with you, as I recognize myself in it. I do not know who has written this, that’s why I share it without mentioning the source. Thank you for sharing, Garda. Lasīt vairāk

Janoša autorraksts “Nepieķeršanās”

Detachment is the frequency that I would like to share with you this week. For myself, I sometimes find it difficult to make contact with this frequency. Detachment can be exciting, but also a bit scary, because when you really release something, it’s never coming back. You are cutting it out of your system. But if you have the feeling that you aren’t going anywhere in your life, it’s important that you immediately distance yourself from what makes you feel safe. In other words: dare to release. New doors will only open if you are willing to close the old ones. That’s the way it works, even though sometimes it can be scary.
Lasīt vairāk


Bieži vien mums ir piesaiste kādam noteiktam uzvedības stilam(modelim), kurš mūs patstāvīgi attur no kaut kā. Mēs jūtam grūtības tajā, lai kaut ko atlaistu, jo tas mums dod aizsardzības sajūtu un pārliecību.
Lasīt vairāk

Janosh has gone mad!

This week’s frequency is Abundance. Last week’s frequency was all about (your) Breakthrough. What follows, is creating clarity as to what you wish to receive at the end of this process. I can give you the answer to that: abundance. This is what we all wish to experience. But what does abundance mean to you? We almost always associate abundance with wealth. Abundance in money, luxury, time, possibilities. I think however, that this has nothing to do with abundance. To me, abundance means being free. Free to think, feel and act the way I want to. To feel free to do whatever comes to my mind, regardless of what other people think. Then I live for myself. Then I live in abundance. Lasīt vairāk

It is going to happen now…

This week’s frequency is Breakthrough. I actually have a sort of love-hate relationship with this “super code”. On the one hand this frequency feels very powerful and inspiring. The word “breakthrough” is associated with great changes. But there is also something that revokes resistance. Having a breakthrough also tells a story about your fear, behaviour and everything that is going on inside of you which is coming to a head. It is the feeling of constantly being on edge until you decide that you’ve had enough. You then just brush it all off and with a primal force that appears out of nowhere you suddenly get everything done. “Why can’t I feel this kind of strength every day?” I wonder. Apparently there is always something that needs to happen before having a breakthrough.
Lasīt vairāk