Your most profound purpose in this life
Do you know your purpose in life?
The reason you’re here?
Most of us have more than one reason for incarnating on Earth.
However, there is always one deeper underlying purpose that we all share each time the soul chooses the human experience.
It’s to come closer to the purest truth there is…
That you, are Love.
At the very core of your existence, you are the expression of unconditional limitless Love.
And each time you incarnate, you come closer to expressing that in human form.
And as we all do that, we lift the world to a higher vibrational frequency.
A world where Earth vibrates on the frequency of unconditional Love.
But, of course, you are unique! No two souls are the same.
So, today, I want to reveal a new frequency that my Arcturian guides have revealed to me.
A frequency that has the purpose of reminding you of your true essence.
Without further ado, allow me to reveal Seed of the Soul:
Every experience you have and will have on Earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul.
When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment.
By the way, you experience your soul each time you sense yourself as more than a mind and body, your life as meaningful, or you feel that you have gifts to give and you long to give them.
I also unofficially call the Seed of the Soul frequency the Pineal Gland frequency because the pineal gland is the physical part of the body through which the soul interacts with the non-physical world.
The pineal gland is a Quantum sensor that can send and receive information from the cosmos (also known as the quantum field or multiverse).
It does much more than just see; it is the center of the Extrasensory System, allowing us to perceive much more than our five physical senses.
Think of it as the Antenna of your 6th sense.
That’s why it’s crucial to stay aware: Your intention plays a vital role in what you transmit and receive.
Most people don’t know this…
But this is why the pineal gland plays a significant role in achieving higher states of consciousness.