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Your level of consciousness in increasing. You discover new things about yourself and feel that the energy of enlightenment has commenced. At the same time, you are not able to translate this energy into your daily life.


You often are torn between head and heart when you want to start changing things in your life. It is the well-known story of becoming enthusiastic at first, and subsequently throwing out the idea because it is ‘madness’. Therefore, sometimes when you get inspired, you can feel completely at odds with what your mind tells you to believe.


We would like our surroundings to be inspirational, but by relying on our surroundings for inspiration, we often become too dependent on other people’s energy. We are used to receiving assignments or work methods so that we can get going and that way we create from the outside in.


A deeper knowledge exists behind the veil of your thoughts. Hidden talents and wisdom are waiting to be discovered by your subconscious. They give you new information about who you are and what your purpose in life is.


A wave, or flow, is a continuous movement. It repeats itself continuously and becomes a new wave over and over again. If you are riding the wave during your mental growth, then you will naturally move along with your own process of creation.

Third wave

Our evolution process is in a new phase. In the first wave, there was feeling: humans learned to survive in nature using their instincts and intuition. Then the second wave came: humans developed their thoughts through knowledge and religion.


You have a premonition; something tells you that something is happening or about to happen. Experiencing emotions is a valuable tool to shed light on the unknown. It is a marvelous insight, which we humans often do not use or ignore.

(Русский) Энергетическая частота – Семена



Tu padarei šuolį savo vystymesi. Ilgą laiką tu nujautei artėjančias permainas. Ir tik dabar, kai šis procesas artėja prie pabaigos, tu pradedi jausti lyg tu pradedi naują savo gyvenimo etapą.

Lemiamas momentas

Tu planuoji žengti didelį žingsnį savo gyvenime, tau teliko sulaukti tinkamo momento. Tu jauti, kad tau reikia pasisemti kantrybės iki tol, kol sulauksi savo šanso, tarsi viskas būtų ruošiama kad tinkamu momentu galėtum atlikti šuolį. Toliau…


Just like Earth, you are in transformation too. You may not experience it all the time, but the symptoms indicate it. You are more tired, stressed, uncertain, irritated or generally out of sorts and that is because the energy bands around us are constantly shifting. Imagine it like a river, where the current gets stronger; at a certain moment you cannot swim back against it.