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Column: Self Healing

Those of you who know my work, know that every hologram has an influence on a specific part of our subconscious. I call them codes, because they help you to decipher hidden information within yourself. Every code contains information of a certain frequency, or to be more specific, a vibrational energy which resonates with our senses. In my columns, connected to the latest codes, I describe my experience connected to these frequencies. Every month I take on a code that is most prominent at the time and I share my opinion on our development within this theme.

Self Healing

So here comes another one: Self Healing. Another code that I was unprepared for! I do not particularly like to repeat things, but I cannot say anything else other than I didn’t find it that easy to pick up this frequency. I had to put the code to one side to prevent myself from becoming dizzy with all the colors and the lines. Subconsciously this was my saboteur, who was screaming: ‘Stop right now! This is far too complicated!’ I became distracted and stuck and then the thought came up that this code is not right. I sat there thinking, but experience has taught me that I really have to carry on. It is not the code, which is wrong, something is wrong with me. Toliau…

Janosh’s Blog “Keeping in the eye of the storm”

In my last blog I shared information from my guides, the Arcturians, after I had asked the question: ‘What can you tell me about the overruling situation in the world right now?’ Their explanation was more or less, that humanity is in transformation and experiencing all the difficulties of this as well. Terrible inconveniences, that is!

Janosh column “Authenticity”

For those of you who are familiar with my work, every hologram has a specific influence on a part of our subconscious. I call them codes, because they help you to decipher the hidden knowledge within you. Each code contains information in the form of a frequency, or in other words: a vibration of energy that resonates with our feelings. In my column I describe my personal experiences when I receive these frequencies. Usually I talk about the one that is most apparent at the moment and give my opinion about the developments within this theme.


It’s quite special isn’t it? Authenticity. Before you read any further, I challenge you to make contact with it. Just look at it for a while. Absorb the details. Focus in the middle. A few minutes is quite enough…

To the hologram >>


Janoš autorinis straipsnis“ Kristaus sąmonė“

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Per praėjusius keletą mėnesių, jutau, kaip manyje kaupėsi neaiškus nerimas, įtampa. Gal ir jums tai pažystama: pakyla nepasitenkinimo banga, bet kuom būtent esate nepatenkinti apibrėžti sunku. Nieko blogo tame nėra, tai ką jūs darote, bet jums norisi padaryti kitaip, tobuliau. Kodėl taip? Jūs pakeliui į savo svajonę! Jūs tai žinote, jūs tai jaučiate! Iš kur ateina tas keistas pojūtis, lyg kas būtų jus uždaręs į mažą kambarėlį. Kaip tankiai aš klausdavau savęs, kame reikalas, kol nesusijungiau su kodu Galutinis Sugrįžimas. Aš gavau jį 2009 metais ir šis kodas tikras lobis man: geometriškai labai aiškus, bet taip pat ir tolimas nuo ramybės. Man atrodė, kad jis susijęs su 2012 metų Majų pranašystėmis, bet mes praėjome tą periodą ir aš nesusijungiau su juo … iki to momento.


Janosh blog: Out of love for yourself

How much longer is this going to last?’ That is the overruling question that I keep picking up at the moment. The lockdown that is there to protect us from all the encompassing effects of the Corona virus, is on an individual level, a little lesson in self-reflection. It forces us to look in the mirror and to make new choices.

(Русский) Авторский блог Яноша: Как…? (февраль 2020)


Сolumn “Echo & Rhythm”

For those of you who are familiar with my work, every hologram has a specific influence on a part of our subconscious. I call them codes, because they help you to decipher the hidden knowledge within you. Each code contains information in the form of a frequency, or in other words: a vibration of energy that resonates with our feelings. In my column I describe my personal experiences when I receive these frequencies. Usually I talk about the one that is most apparent at the moment and give my opinion about the developments within this theme.

(Русский) Авторский блог Яноша: Осмос – энергетическая частота 2019 года.


(Русский) Авторский блог “Сила действия – это нечто большее, чем просто физическое действие”

(Русский) Сила соединения в одной лишь частоте (март 2017)


(Русский) Авторский блог “Большой переезд и “ВАУ-чувство” (февраль 2017)
