Christ Consciousness
A new energy has begun and will reign in the coming times. Those who are open will feel carried and brought towards the light. They experience the return of their being in its authentic form, or in other words: the rebirth of the soul.
This process has side effects. If you experience bouts of fear, pain or unrest, know that these are the last contractions before you make the leap into the Christ Consciousness. Once you are within you will awaken at a deeper level and your true spirit will come to the surface, because you know the true gifts of a master. Just like Christ showed us the potential in mankind it is now up to you to activate the godly powers within yourself. Believe in yourself, be the magician that you are deep inside and you will discover that you are capable of everything far beyond the boundaries of reality.
The frequency of Christ Consciousness helps you to get in contact with the godly power of creativity, which is hidden within you.
I believe in the divine powers I possess.

спасибо за надежду и уверенность!)
Люблю Вас…….
Какие энергии!!! Какая любовь!!! Янош благодарю!!!
С любовью от сердца к сердцу.
Сердечно Благодарю!!!!!
Благодарю!от сердца к сердцу!
Благодарю! (:smile:)
Благодарение Вам Великие Душой!
Очень, очень, очень ВАМ БЛАГОДАРНА!!!
К кому можно обратиться чтоб мне помогли расшифровать те коды, что приходят мне?
Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю!