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Column: Processing

Those of you who know my work, know that every hologram has an influence on a specific part of our subconscious. I call them codes, because they help you to decipher hidden information within yourself. Every code contains information of a certain frequency, or to be more specific, a vibrational energy which resonates with our senses. In my columns, connected to the latest codes, I describe my experience connected to these frequencies. Every month I take on a code that is most prominent at the time and I share my opinion on our development within this theme.

Column: Processing

There are times when you have the feeling that you just need to press the pause button. No planning, no distractions and no pressure around you. Separating yourself from having to do something and always on the move. Emptying your mind and re-charging yourself for the next round. The month of December is exactly the right time of year to do this and that is why the code Processing did not come as a complete surprise. It completely fits in with our habit of looking back on the year and what has happened to us, even though processing in my opinion is something slightly different that looking back at the past. It goes much further, just as if you are having a good clean out inside. You create space for yourself, so that you will be able to grow in a new phase. Toliau…

Janosh Column “Perspective”

For those of you who are familiar with my work you will know that each hologram has an influence on a specific part of our sub conscious. I call them codes because they help you to decipher the knowledge that is hidden within you. Each code contains information in the form of a frequency, in other words: an energetic vibration that resonates with our feelings. In my columns I talk about my experiences that happen when I receive these frequencies. Regularly I talk about the one, which is the strongest at the moment and give my opinion about the development of this theme.


The Holiday Season is over and here and there everyone is gradually picking up the thread of their daily lives. Personally I look back on a wonderful New Year’s Party at our Art Centre where I loved the energy and the connectedness. I spoke to a lot of people, who after the activation in the theatre saw the light again and I can tell you that I really got a good dose of inspiration from this. The code PERSPECTIVE (which was central) has had a considerable influence on me. It was a frequency, which I could not place straightaway and I was afraid to bring it out into the open when I first made it, as I received this code early in December.  As I often explain about how my codes come to fruition it is important that I can feel them too. I have to experience them first myself, so that I can bring the message across properly. There is no point in me in trying to perform a trick. Toliau…

Janosh Column “Shift” (sequal to “Christ Consciousness”)

After I had published my last column I was certainly not planning to write a second one so soon. This is not the way it usually happens, but for several days I have felt the urge to write a sequel to “Christ Consciousness”. I received a huge number of reactions, not only about the code but also about the column and practically all were words of thanks and recognition. It gave me a great feeling to depart on a journey with this energy, but soon after I left The Netherlands, it became clear that I was not finished with this process. Different messages and discussions made me feel challenged to set something else in motion. Everywhere I pick up signals if there is something big going on in the world and I am then invited to make a contribution to this shift. Behind the new code (and actually all my codes) there is a message, which needs to come out. It has been a secret for many centuries, guarded by the elite, which has had an enormous influence upon the power ratio in the world. It’s hard to explain in a few short words, but I feel that the time has come to tell a bit more. Toliau…

Авторская статья “Новорожденное Время”

Эта статья была написана Яношем в апреле 2011, но актуальна и на сегодняшний день…

Кто знаком с моими работами в области Сакральной Геометрии, знает, что каждый код оказывает влияние на определенную часть нашего подсознания. Регулярно мне задают об этом вопросы. Особенно о том, как лучше работать с голограммами для достижения максимальных результатов. По этой причине, с настоящего момента на сайте будут ежемесячно появляться мои вдохновляющие статьи, связанные с новейшими кодами. В этих статьях я буду давать подробную информацию о кодах, энергия которых наиболее сильна в данный момент. Я буду объяснять, как на практике можно применять эту энергию в повседневной жизни. Таким образом, я надеюсь помочь вам в вашем поиске, кто Вы есть в действительности и какова Ваша страсть в жизни.

Тема моей предыдущей статьи была «Целостность сознания», энергия, к которой мы придём, если научимся жить без осуждений. Также я выразил там своё удивление по поводу событий, происходящих в данный момент в мире. Новость об уходе Мубарака с президентского поста была ещё свежа и, учитывая время, являлась важным звеном в расшифровке календаря Тун (по предсказаниям майянцев, с 11 февраля 2011 года человечество поднялось на последнюю ступень Пирамиды Сознания). Это стало стартовым сигналом для начала Нового периода, в котором мы направляемся к нашему Возрождению. Отсюда и появился мой  код «Новорожденное Время» (New Born Time). Toliau…

Autorinis straipsnis “Troškimas”

Tankiai mes galvojame, kad mūsų realybės kūrimo procesas vystosi nepakankamai greitai. Mes stengiamės išeiti iš „raudonos zonos“ trokšdami būti harmoningi ir subalansuoti. Ar pavyks mums atrasti tikrą meilę tiesiog dabar ar sugebėsim įsidarbinti savo svajonių darbe? Daugeliu atveju suvokiame, kad realybėje kažkam sukurti reikia laiko. Įsivaizduokite, jūs tik pagalvojote, apie kažką, kas jums kelia nerimą ir tai staiga visa tai atsitinka realybėje! Anksčiau, aš jums kalbėjau apie tai, kad labai svarbu suvokti, kur jūs esate susikoncentravęs savo mintis. Augant vibracijų dažniui, mūsų realybės kūrimo procesas tampa vis greitesnis ir galingesnis.
Todėl koncentruokitės pirmiausiai į tai, ko jūs iš tikrųjų norite. Bet aš turiu dar vieną raktą, kurį aš galiu jums duoti tam, kad jūsų realybės kūrimo procesas taptų dar labiau efektyvesnis tai „Troškimas“. Toliau…