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Card XIII – The Coward with its emotion Ignorant

What does this card tell you:

This card tells you that you’re disappointed in yourself, or even have a feeling of guilt! About choices you’ve made in the past. Tell me honestly, how many times have you denied yourself and not been taken seriously because of ‘keeping the peace ‘? It is possible that this card holds up a mirror in front of you, telling you that you don’t have to be angry or disappointed about yourself. You are NOT a coward! How you condemn yourself says something about your self-esteem and the lack of it and this can stunt your growth further.

The Grail code with this card:

The emotional significance of this card is: ignorant. All our choices and actions are just snapshots. It is only logical that today you’ll make other choices than yesterday. Because our choices are influenced by what we experience, know or even have been programmed for, at that particular moment. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ or a ‘wrong’ choice. There is only what works or not, depending on what you are trying to do or have. Now you know more you’ve got more experience, so it’s only logical that looking back, some choices of the past you might have done otherwise today.

Your challenge with this card:

You are invited to examine who you really want to be. What beliefs or programmes prevent you from experiencing yourself in the best possible way? But do not condemn yourself; just love yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you work on yourself and come to insights. You didn’t know better, right? Don’t put too much energy in the past (“oh I had that! “), or in the future (” what if..?’). Your power is NOW. Accept that what has past you cannot change and preferably deal with the future. That which still has to be created based on choices you make NOW.

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