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Arcturian corridor. Step 11 – We now return to our journey

Dear Ones,

We, the Arcturians, welcome you back to the Arcturian Corridor. Much has occurred in your life and in your world since we first activated this Corridor on September 11, 2008. Changes are everywhere and within everyone. Each of you is now a refined instrument in Gaia’s orchestra performing the symphony of “Planetary Ascension.” Read more…

Arcturian corridor. Step 10 – Fifth Dimensional Venus. Connection

Being on fifth dimensional Venus reminds you of how you and your Divine Complement came as ONE Being from the higher dimensional worlds to prepare for your incarnation into third dimensional Earth. It was during the fall of Atlantis, and Gaia had sent out a call to Beings of higher dimensional Light to assist her. The darkness of her people had overcome the light, and her planet was in danger of destruction. Read more…

Arcturian corridor. Step 9 – The Threshold into the Fifth Dimension

Dear Ones,

We the Arcturians have enjoyed our time with you in the Crystal Temple located on the threshold of the fifth dimension. We have shared your peace and joy and reveled in your acceptance of our unconditional love. Are you ready to step across this threshold and into the HERENESS and NOWNESS of the fifth dimension? We remind you that as you transition into the fifth dimension, the limitations of time and space will begin to disappear. Read more…


Dear One,

Since you entered our Corridor, the experiences you’ve had here that have been unavailable to your mundane mind will likely find their way into your dreams. Hence, we would like to teach you how to carry over your dream information into your waking life. When you sleep, you close off your physical consciousness and open up your consciousness to the true, higher dimensional reality. In other words, when you “go to sleep,” you log-out of the 3D hologram and return to the reality of your SELF to have adventures and communicate with higher beings, including the higher expressions of your self. Read more…


Dear One,

Welcome back to our Arcturian Corridor. How are you enjoying your Lightbody? Your Lightbody in the Corridor has already increased in size and luminance, and we can see the glow of your Lightbody emanating from your grounded self, as well. We, the Arcturians, wish to assist you in keeping your consciousness calibrated to unconditional love, so that you can accelerate your transmutation into Lightbody. Read more…


Dear Members of Gaia’s Planetary Ascension Team,

We, the Arcturians, proudly declare that every one of you is NOW called upon to fully awaken to the consciousness, power, wisdom and unconditional love of your Lightbody. Here in the Crystal Temple, you can clearly see that your true form is a magnificent body of light, while still being aware of your physical form in the third dimension. However, the YOU in the lower worlds may still be under the illusion that your true SELF is limited to your physical form. Read more…

Arcturian corridor. Step 5 – The Void Into the Fifth Dimension


Dearest One,

We are joyous for you to join us as we continue our journey through the Corridor. We are now progressing towards the fifth dimension, but first, we must cross the Great Void. Our Corridor is much like the Void, for it is in-between all possible realities, while also being a gateway to every reality. In between the third and fourth dimensions and the higher worlds is the Great Void, which is actually a black hole, a passageway into higher dimensions. In this case, it is the higher dimensional expression of your present reality. Read more…

Arcturian corridor. Step 4 – THE UPPER FOURTH DIMENSION

The Leaky Boat

Dearest One,

There may be an area of your life, which has been an old, recurrent problem. This “problem” may now present itself in a manner that you cannot ignore. You may have been putting off dealing with this issue because you were bound by the old illusion that it was too difficult for you to address. However, now that you have viewed your physical life from the multidimensional perspective of the Arcturian Corridor, you have likely been able to see beyond the illusion and into a possible solution. Read more…

Arcturian corridor. Step 3 – The Middle Fourth Dimension

Feeling the Flow

Dearest One,

We wish to remind you, the grounded ones, that we willingly and lovingly extend our essence ALL the way down the frequency spectrum into your third/fourth dimensional worlds. We say third/fourth dimensional, as your planet was once fourth dimensional, but the imbalance of light and dark plummeted Earth into the third dimension. Now, with the help of Her humans and cetaceans, Gaia has expanded Her frequency to once again encompass the fourth dimension. Read more…

Step 2 – Enter the Arcturian Corridor

Revealing Hidden Darkness. The Lower Fourth Dimension

Dear One,

We are using the Corridor as a homing beam for our ground crew. The ground crews are from different Homeworlds (stars/planets of origin), as well as parallel realities in which they have taken form in the fifth dimension and beyond. Our Corridor provides a means in which you can reconnect with other incarnations of your Soul. The Arcturian Corridor is a stargate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers first enter through our vortex/corridor. They then either stay here, or they move on to whichever star system is their final destination. Read more…

Step 1 – Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

Many of the members of the ground crew have come from different Homeworlds (stars/planets of origin) to take an earth vessel in order to assist in this great cosmic moment of planetary ascension. Our Corridor provides a homing beam by which each member can re-connect with his or her multidimensional SELF. The Arcturian Corridor serves as a stargate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers travel through our vortex/corridor. The, they either stay here or move on to whichever star system is their final destination. Read more…