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What is your theme today?

Pick a card and allow yourself to be inspired by the Cosmic Care cards by Janosh, with a message. To pick a card, click on the button below.

The text tells you what the theme of the card is. Then you can activate the energy in yourself by focusing on the geometrical code. Relax your body, breathe slowly and focus on the middle.

Eternal Path

The Eternal Path: Represents the infinite continuity of the ancestral journey.

The Arcturians shared with me: “When people sleep, the silence of the night creates a powerful gateway, making it easier to access the 3D world. In this stillness, healing frequencies flow effortlessly, reaching deep into our DNA to restore balance and harmony.
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Invocation of Consensus

Invocation of Consensus” calls forth a higher alignment, a sacred agreement between your soul, your community, and the universe.

This frequency code is a gateway to shared intention and harmony, reminding us that true transformation arises when we unite in purpose and spirit. Let this invocation awaken a deeper resonance within, guiding you to co-create a reality of collective growth and connection.

Wishing you a Magical Week.

Heart to Heart, Janosh


Omniscient: Awaken to the Infinite Ocean of Inner Wisdom.

Deep within every soul lies an ocean of knowing, a vast field of unbounded wisdom that transcends time, space, and limitation. The Omniscient code taps into this inner realm, where intuition flows like an endless river, connecting you to the source of all answers.
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