Self Healing
Everyone is born with the ability to self heal. This does not only apply to physical pain, but also emotional pain, this is a normal symptom and you can heal it. When you become aware of, and how this works, you will be able to better place unexpected emotions. The point is that you do not try to connect them with anything, but that you understand why they come to the surface. Then healing at deep cellular level takes place and the emotions become the outward signs of this process.
Our pitfall is, that we often give others the blame in our inner fight against the pain. It is important that you do not hinder this energetic healing from taking place and give it the time just like you would with a physical injury. Don’t go looking for answers, don’t react and don’t give anyone the blame for your feelings, because wounds that are very deep, have a long history.
The frequency of Self Healing helps you to clear away the emotional pain you have received in the past, which helps it to heal quickly.
I can heal myself of everything.

Благодарю , благодарю, благодарю!!!!!!!!!!!(:smile:)
Благодарю, очень вдохновляет!
Искренне Благодарю! Необыкновенно красиво…а главное очень вовремя!
Благодарю вас!
Благодарю за ощущения!
не совсем понятно, может я что-то пропустил?
Прекрасная 13-ти лучевая Многомерная
Звезда! Подарю ее своему Многомерному Высшему Я, пусть им будет еще веселей! Единение. Благословение.
Благодарю,света ,любви и радости
Запись медитации и коллективной сонастройки с энергией недели “Самоисцеление” (от 31.05.2022).
(приношу извинения за помехи со звуком)
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