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Allow your deepest desire…
Breath through the Earth.

Embody the feeling

Christ Consciousness

A new energy has begun and will reign in the coming times. Those who are open will feel carried and brought towards the light. They experience the return of their being in its authentic form, or in other words: the rebirth of the soul.


Žaisti taip laisvai, tarsi vaikas. Mes visi galime atpažinti šį jausma, atsigręždami į savo jaunystė. Pamažu įgyjame programas, kurios atima iš mūsų laisvės pojūtį. Mes bijome patirti nesėkmę, pajausti netiktį, bijome svajoti ir kalbėti apie tai, ką galvojame. Ten, kur anksčiau mes nematėme jokio pavojaus, dabar  mes stengiamės apsaugoti save nuo visokios rizikos.


Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.

Our energy field is like a breath; it expands and deflates. And every time it repeats we send out energy and bring new energy in. That is how we resonate with one another and the universe and share our knowledge in an immense field of consciousness. Just like breathing, it is important that you regulate this flow. Regularly take the time to attune yourself to nature and the cosmos.

(Русский) Подарок Жизни. Арт-Изображения от Яноша



Jūs esate kelyje į kažką daugiau, negu esate patys. Kiek vieną kartą jūs bendraujate ir tampate vis artimesni. Šiame plėtros procese jūs vis daugiau bendraujate su dvasiniu pasauliu.Jūs įgaunate laisves pojūčio patirties, atvykimo Namo patirties. Toliau…


Do you feel that it is time to take control over your mind and your life? To light your inner fire, passion and power.

This frequency opens the space for your inner fire and awakens your calling and passion. It gives you inspiration and courage to take steps which fit with you.

Inner Compas

Navigating by trusting what you feel deep within. Sometimes it’s the most illogical choices which eventually lead to where we really want to go.

The powerful geometric code of Inner compass helps you to better navigate to the ultimate destination in your life. Where you have been emotionally drawn to for a long time. It helps you to see the path towards your dream.

Activation: Inner Compass Toliau…


The source of everything that’s beautiful in your life, as well as the remedy against hatred, greed and hardness. Love makes visible what is real and what you need to cherish.

You are love. You Just have to remember.



Frequency: Mastership | Mastery

All the fears and phobias that we know can lead back the six primary basic fears: rejection, illness, poverty, solitude, growing older and death. In the recognition and transcending of these fears lies the key to mastership.