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10 frequencies to keep you going!

Did you make beautiful plans for 2016 and suspect that it’s going to be difficult to keep going? These frequencies help you to stay on track! Toliau…

Autorinis straipsnis “Beribė erdvė“

Tas, kas pažįstamas su mano darbais, žino, kad kiekviena holograma veikia tam tikras pasąmonės sritis.

Aš vadinu hologramas kodais, nes jos padeda iššifruoti paslėptą pasąmonės informaciją.

Kiekvienas kodas turi savyje informacija tam tikrame dažnyje, o tiksliau dažninę energiją, kuri rezonuoja su mūsų pojūčiais. Straipsniuose aš aprašinėju savo asmeninę patirtį, pojūčius, kuriuos patiriu priimdamas kodų energiją. Paprastai aš pasakoju apie tuos kodus, kurie yra stipriausi tam tikru laiku ir dalinuosi nuomone kaip mes vystomės, tam tikro kodo rėmuose.

Beribė erdvė

Jausmas, kuri patiriu šiuo momentu sunku aprašyti. Tai didelis noras, kuris norėtų pasireikšti, bet jį sunku suformuoti. Aš nepavadinčiau to emocija, nes šaknys slypi gerokai giliau. Aš matau kaip įprasta realybė subyra ir ryškėja naujasis pasaulis. Bendravimas sielų lygyje – natūralus mainai , kurie vyksta tada, kaip aš išeinu iš žmogiškojo vaidmens. Daug kas įvyko su manim per praėjusius kelis metus, daug ką aš mačiau, bet dabar jaučiu kažką naujo. Jausmas, kad vienintelis dalykas, ką aš galiu daryti tai jungtis širdies lygyje. Toliau…

Janosh Webinar: Protection

Janosh is getting back to his popular webinars. On Tuesday 15 December at 10 p.m. he will share his information about the frequency Protection. Feel free to join this webinar, in which you can enjoy the activation and connect with Janosh and other viewers through the chat. Toliau…


Every week a different frequency will be made available to you, each with a meaning. By tuning in, you can activate that part in yourself that is connected to this. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the centre and feel what it does with you.


Tyla ir ramybe – šios būsenos pasitaiko vis rečiau. Mūsų įtemptas darbo grafikas paprastai siejamas su skubėjimu, su kuriuo mes judame iš taško A į tašką B. Kartais atrodo, kad mes eikvojame laiką, kada leidžiame sau įgyti jėgų ir nieko šio metu neveikiame.

Janosh Blog: Perfection

Sometimes people ask me how I make the holograms and what is exactly behind them. If I then honestly say that I design everything layer by layer myself, the majority of people are surprised. ‘Do you use a ruler or something?’ Does the computer calculate everything out for you?’ In both cases the answer is: no. I design everything myself; each point, each detail. As I am actually working I don’t experience it that way. When I begin to ‘see’ a new hologram, I feel myself ascending into certain energy and then everything happens automatically. I often don’t know how long I have actually been busy. Sometimes it’s half an hour, sometimes a whole day. And what’s funny is: I always feel when it’s finished. There is no doubt whatsoever. Moving bits and pieces until it ‘looks’ beautiful it not part of this process. It is pure attunement and when it’s ready, it’s done. Toliau…

Janosh Webinar (November 10, 2015) – Activation Pride

After a very long time Janosh is getting back to his popular webinars and on Tuesday 10 November he will share his information about the frequency Pride. Feel free to join this webinar, in which you can enjoy the activation and connect with Janosh and other viewers through the chat. Toliau…


Tu esi savo gyvenimo kryžkelėje ir veikiamas abejonių, nedrįsti eiti į priekį. Tau būtina pasirinkti, bet nesi tikras kam teikti pirmenybę. Dažniausiai, tavo pojūtis pasireiškia per pirmą mintį, kuri ateina tau i galvą, bet mes paprastai esame linke kruopščiai išanalizuoti visus galimus variantus. Mes norime atpažinti bet kokį pavojų, bet  tavo intuicija neveikia, tokiu būdu. Intuicija – tai galinga savybė, kuri gali būti optimaliai naudojama tik tada, kai atjungiame savo mąstymą. Toliau…

Grand Cross: Arcturians # 1

There is a lot going on in the world and actually it’s been like this for several years. Constantly we are touched by shocking occurrences that become blocked in our feelings. But for those of you, who dare to look beyond this pattern, will see that the development of the mass consciousness is reaching a climax. We are pitched on the edge of an evolutionary highlight that has been in the making for centuries. Looking at the chaos in our world, really I should not say this but, what a party! What a life! What a wonderful time! All of us have won the winning ticket, because everyone who is alive right now has the opportunity to experience this; the biggest transformation in the conscious of mankind. Toliau…


Jus norite pokyčiu savo gyvenime, ir jūs nevieni. Visi mes norime geresnio, to kas padarys mus laimingus.

Grand Cross # 8

Interesting times are coming. A great cosmic happening, which is called the Grand Cross, is approaching and will have a lot of influence on the energy around earth. People are predicting a total solar eclipse in the northern Atlantic Ocean on or around 21st March 2015. In the time approaching this eclipse, great planetary influences await us. Together we are going to go through a huge transformation that is meant to cleanse us from our karmic past. In the forthcoming weeks I will regularly post updates over what is happening as we approach this event, with thanks to the astrologer, Annette Kok. Toliau…