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>Susiderinus su savaites dąžniu, jus galite aktyvuoti tą pasąmones sritį, kuri yra susijusi su ją.
Padarykite keletą giliu įkvėpimų ir iškvėpimų, susikoncentruokite į kodo centrą ir pajauskite jo poveiki.


By tuning in a frequency , you can activate that part in yourself that is connected to this. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the centre and feel what it does with you.


We often conform to others. This way we either decrease or increase our own frequency.

Kelkis ir Švytėk | Meditacija: Tyla (ENG-RUS)

Kasryt gaukite asmenynius Sielos Pusryčius, pagamintus specialiai jums virėjo Janušo.

Pirmos dvylika minučių po prabudimo apibrėžia jūsų dieną. Kada jūs pradedate dieną pazitiviai, tai atneša gerovę visai dienai. Griebkit porcija pozitivios energijos su Janušo aktivacijomis “Kelkis ir Švytėk”.

Meditacija: Silence

Kodo dažnis Tyla įkvepia jus karts nuo karto jausti savyje tylos ir ramybes būseną.

Janosh Column “Perspective”

For those of you who are familiar with my work you will know that each hologram has an influence on a specific part of our sub conscious. I call them codes because they help you to decipher the knowledge that is hidden within you. Each code contains information in the form of a frequency, in other words: an energetic vibration that resonates with our feelings. In my columns I talk about my experiences that happen when I receive these frequencies. Regularly I talk about the one, which is the strongest at the moment and give my opinion about the development of this theme.


The Holiday Season is over and here and there everyone is gradually picking up the thread of their daily lives. Personally I look back on a wonderful New Year’s Party at our Art Centre where I loved the energy and the connectedness. I spoke to a lot of people, who after the activation in the theatre saw the light again and I can tell you that I really got a good dose of inspiration from this. The code PERSPECTIVE (which was central) has had a considerable influence on me. It was a frequency, which I could not place straightaway and I was afraid to bring it out into the open when I first made it, as I received this code early in December.  As I often explain about how my codes come to fruition it is important that I can feel them too. I have to experience them first myself, so that I can bring the message across properly. There is no point in me in trying to perform a trick. Toliau…


We all die to be reborn. This is our biggest challenge. Dying is a subject that most people don’t talk about easily. However, it is part of life, and we need to die in order to continue on our way to a next life, to a new possibility of meeting ourselves again and gaining new experiences. Then why is it so difficult for most people?



God meets God: Now as E-book in English

God meets God helps you to remember what we all have been searching for through the centuries. It opens your eyes to see something you have never been allowed to see before: the secret of our existence on Earth. The book gives answers why we live in separateness, why failure and rejection are our biggest stumbling blocks and where our desire for unconditional love is based upon. No new wisdom, or dogma’s just acknowledged symbols, which, form the pieces of the puzzle that only the soul can complete. Everything has a reason and nothing happens by coincidence. If you feel you are ready for the truth, to remember who you are and where your soul path is leading do, be prepared: afterwards there is no way back.

Order your copy now:

Rise ‘n Shine | Activation: Harmony

Every morning have your own visual Breakfast for the Soul, specially composed by Janosh.

The first twelve minutes after you wake up define your day. When you start your day with positive energy, it will benefit you the entire day. So grab that daily positive energy with the Rise ‘n Shine activation by Janosh. Every morning you can choose one activation.

Please click on the link to download information on the activation.

Activation: Harmony

The frequency of Harmony helps you to connect to the we-feeling and to understand the larger perspective of life on Earth


Jūsų gyvenimas – tai mokymosi kelias, kurį, kad galėtų augti, pasirinko jūsų siela. Jus keliaujate per skirtingų potyrių pasaulį, kuris palaipsniui atveda jus į supratimą, kas jūs esate.

Prisikelimas (RUS)

Atėjo laikas žvelgti į priekį. Kas įvyko tas įvyko – tai jūsų patirtis. Neginčytina tiesa neegzistuoja, tai reiškia kad nėra reikalo žvilgčioti atgal ir ko nors ieškoti.