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Grand Cross # 5

Interesting times are coming. A great cosmic happening, which is called the Grand Cross, is approaching and will have a lot of influence on the energy around earth. People are predicting a total solar eclipse in the northern Atlantic Ocean on or around 21st March 2015. In the time approaching this eclipse, great planetary influences await us. Together we are going to go through a huge transformation that is meant to cleanse us from our karmic past. In the forthcoming weeks I will regularly post updates over what is happening as we approach this event, with thanks to the astrologer, Annette Kok. Loe edasi…

Tõuse ja sära | Aktiveerimine: LÄBIMURRE (ENG-RUS)

Võtke igal hommikul vastu Eine oma Hingele  Selle on teie jaoks valmistanud kokk Janosh.

Esimesed 12 minutit määravad ära kogu teie päeva. Kui alustate päeva positiivse energiaga,  toob see terveks päevaks hea olemise. Võtke annus positiivset energiat Janosh’i aktiveerimisega  „Tõuse ja sära”

Aktiveerimine: LÄBIMURRE

LÄBIMURDE sagedus annab teile viimase tõuke, et võiksite raske koorma muuta  uueks väljakutseks.

Paremaks Muutumine

Teie sisemise muutumise kogemus kulgeb tõusude ja mõõnadena. Enda sees te teate, mida tahate ja mida teil on vaja teha, et luua oma Saatus. Olete paljugi õppinud oma vigadest ja avastanud enda jaoks teatud mudelid, – võimalik, et kunagi kirja pandud või saadud raamatutest või seminaridelt. Tunnete siiamaani, et  emotsioonid pole tasakaalus, sest teie tunded keelduvad teiega koostööd tegemast. Sel juhul on fraasil „laske lahti” hoopis kaalukam tähendus.
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Grand Cross # 3

Read update #3 about the Grand Cross (by astrologer Annette Kok)

It all began on the 24th June 2012. That was the first moment that Uranus and Pluto made an exact aspect with one another. Of course we all felt the tension building up over the months and even the years before, about the exact moment that these two planetary giants would aspect one another.

Update #3 (by Annette Kok)

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Grand Cross # 2

Interesting times are coming. A great cosmic happening, which is called the Grand Cross, is approaching and will have a lot of influence on the energy around earth. People are predicting a total solar eclipse in the northern Atlantic Ocean on or around 21st March 2015. In the time approaching this eclipse, great planetary influences await us. Together we are going to go through a huge transformation that is meant to cleanse us from our karmic past. In the forthcoming weeks I will regularly post updates over what is happening as we approach this event, with thanks to the astrologer, Annette Kok.

Update #2 (by Annette Kok)

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Taking a new direction means that you first need to determine what you want to create; without a goal there is no journey and without a journey no destination. Once on the way, we often become confused about all the possibilities that are available to us.
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With passion everything is possible, however, during the creating process we often forget to be patient. You can think about anything however hard you want, telling yourself every day, but there is absolutely no point in asking yourself when it is going to happen. Attaching your goals to a time plan is pointless.
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Column: Processing

Those of you who know my work, know that every hologram has an influence on a specific part of our subconscious. I call them codes, because they help you to decipher hidden information within yourself. Every code contains information of a certain frequency, or to be more specific, a vibrational energy which resonates with our senses. In my columns, connected to the latest codes, I describe my experience connected to these frequencies. Every month I take on a code that is most prominent at the time and I share my opinion on our development within this theme.

Column: Processing

There are times when you have the feeling that you just need to press the pause button. No planning, no distractions and no pressure around you. Separating yourself from having to do something and always on the move. Emptying your mind and re-charging yourself for the next round. The month of December is exactly the right time of year to do this and that is why the code Processing did not come as a complete surprise. It completely fits in with our habit of looking back on the year and what has happened to us, even though processing in my opinion is something slightly different that looking back at the past. It goes much further, just as if you are having a good clean out inside. You create space for yourself, so that you will be able to grow in a new phase. Loe edasi…


Rahu on seisund, milles kõik meie eesmärgid ja kavatsused teostuvad kergesti ja pingutusteta. Kui loome endas sisemise rahu, vastab välismaailm meile samaga.
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By tuning in a frequency , you can activate that part in yourself that is connected to this. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the centre and feel what it does with you.
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We often conform to others. This way we either decrease or increase our own frequency.
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