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Self Love Healing

An energy that can be hard and soft: Self-Love. A theme that appeals to a lot of people, but not that simple to apply in your life.

Loving yourself, unconditionally on every side, can often mean that you have to be clear on your surroundings. It can often mean (for the sake of your own luck) that you have to disappoint others and do something that your friends or family are not entirely happy about.

Self-love is an interesting frequency. On the one hand soft and gentle, on the other hand very tough. The funny thing is, that if you have enough self-love to be yourself and actually carry on with your ‘funny’ plans and ideas, that you often receive no criticism. When people feel that you are doing something from love for yourself and not just because you want people to like you, then there is no judgment about what you say or do. It is even appreciated that you actually dare to go for something! Self-love can also feel a bit strange; because it confronts you with the illusion that you can be rejected for being yourself – nothing is less true!

People, who feel self-love, are open, very enthusiastic and definitely not judgmental. You can talk about anything with them and trust what they do or say. Lack of self-love makes people insecure and critical. Someone who rejects you without a reason normally cannot reach their own self-love and project his or her own insecurities.

Do you find that you are critical, check first of all how critical you are about yourself. Do you love yourself? Do you embrace your dreams? Do you dare to show them? Do you dare to go and actually do something with it? These are important questions to check if your plans and intentions are pure, or whether or not judgments about yourself are standing in your way.



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