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Body and mind are joined together. They give each other signals and communicate with one another in this way. When you experience physical pain, please realise that there is an energetic counterpart to explain why you feel that pain. Nothing happens without a reason. Toliau…


You are ready for a new phase in your life. What used to feel normal to you and seemed to happen automatically has suddenly become a conflict; you are unable to gain any energy. You recognize by feeling that you are emptied in situations, which you used to think of as a challenge, and although you are able to persevere that you must fight and keep going, sooner or later you realize that you are going down a one-way street.


Dažnai mes vienas kitam atstojame veidrodį. Mes nustatome savo vertę lygindami save su aplinkiniais žmonėmis, visada labiau kreipdami dėmesį į tai, ko, mūsų manymu, mums trūksta. Jus nesugebėsite įžvelgti savo talento, jeigu galvosite, kad kažkieno kito talentas didesnis. Kartais mums netgi nejauku žiūrėti tokiam žmogui į akis.


We are often addicted to limited behaviour. We have difficulty in letting things go, because they give us feelings of safety and security. After all, we know the patterns through and through so we always know exactly where we are. Addiction to drama and continually being in the same kind of processes are convincing us that we are alive and something is happening. Toliau…

New Frequency: Sacrifice

The power to succeed lies at the heart of your willingness to letting things go. That certainly applies when you have big and ambitious goals. You can’t create everything at the same time, so you will have to choose how, when and with whom you invest your energy. As a result, this may mean you have to postpone certain things, leave things behind or you may have disappoint people in your environment. Toliau…


Synchronicity is recognizing signs in everyday life. When you see or experience something which may feel coincidental, then you know you are on the right path. It is a sign that your energy attracts incidents that are in line with your wishes. It can also be that a moment of choice is announcing itself and the Universe is showing you which direction to go.


Every week a different frequency will be made available to you, each with a meaning. By tuning in, you can activate that part in yourself that is connected to this. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the centre and feel what it does with you.


Tyla ir ramybe – šios būsenos pasitaiko vis rečiau. Mūsų įtemptas darbo grafikas paprastai siejamas su skubėjimu, su kuriuo mes judame iš taško A į tašką B. Kartais atrodo, kad mes eikvojame laiką, kada leidžiame sau įgyti jėgų ir nieko šio metu neveikiame.


Tu esi savo gyvenimo kryžkelėje ir veikiamas abejonių, nedrįsti eiti į priekį. Tau būtina pasirinkti, bet nesi tikras kam teikti pirmenybę. Dažniausiai, tavo pojūtis pasireiškia per pirmą mintį, kuri ateina tau i galvą, bet mes paprastai esame linke kruopščiai išanalizuoti visus galimus variantus. Mes norime atpažinti bet kokį pavojų, bet  tavo intuicija neveikia, tokiu būdu. Intuicija – tai galinga savybė, kuri gali būti optimaliai naudojama tik tada, kai atjungiame savo mąstymą. Toliau…


Jus norite pokyčiu savo gyvenime, ir jūs nevieni. Visi mes norime geresnio, to kas padarys mus laimingus.

Nuoširdumas (Grynumas)

Kada tu esi vidiniame vystymosi procese, kartais atrodo, kad tavo augimas yra pristabdomas išoriniais poveikiais. Tačiau, tai visiškai ne tas atvejis. Viskas kas, pristabdo tavo augimą, turi tiesioginį ryšį su tavo mąstymo procesu.