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(Русский) Вдохновение недели с 16 по 22 сентября – энергетическая частота: ЧИСТОТА ОБЩЕНИЯ

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Vision Quest

The Journey Continues: Welcome to The Lakota Sioux Realm

Message from the Lakota Sioux Shaman:

“Thiwáhe ( family ).
During the time of our lives, we constantly work to find food and shelter so that we can survive.
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Mountain Star Vibration

It’s the first frequency of The Shamanic Nature of God, a series of 13 frequencies inspired by cosmic connections of Shamans from all over the world.

Star Vibration Frequency…
Location: Below the feet.
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The 9 points that radiate with the wisdom of Higher Spirits

You know, as long as humanity has existed, we’ve looked to the stars and wondered.

Wondered about our origins and the source of Creation.
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OMNIPRESENCE: The Sacred Nexus

Omnipresence is a captivating frequency code that embodies the essence of the infinite cosmos. Radiant arrow-like beams extend in all directions, symbolizing the boundless nature of existence. The interplay of majestic purple and vibrant red colors represents the highest realms of consciousness and the primal life force, creating a harmonious balance between the divine and the earthly.
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(Русский) Новая энергетическая частота – Божественное путешествие

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Ever feel like you’re constantly running on empty? Like, no matter what you do, you just can’t keep your energy levels up?
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It cannot be planned. I never know when a new frequency will be shown to me by the Arcturians. But after last week’s webinar I felt the warmth, the love flowing and had a feeling that it will continue. A compass that gives us direction will be continued. And so the past few nights I regularly sat behind my computer.
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Oh my, 24 hours non stop. I couldn’t stop, it flowed and different emotions passed by. From sadness to an overwhelming flow of love. I would almost say, a love that we have not yet experienced on this Earth. So powerful, so confrontational, so coming home.
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Self Love Healing

An energy that can be hard and soft: Self-Love. A theme that appeals to a lot of people, but not that simple to apply in your life.
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The Reset

Reset yourself, reset your life! At the core of The Reset is the message that at any moment there is an opportunity for a reset. A refresh on life. A new mindset.

A reset is your personal empowerment “button” — accessible anytime you desire change.

Resetting isn’t about beating yourself up, feeling bad or staying stuck. A reset is about embracing a positive attitude towards change and finding opportunities for personal growth even in the hardest of times.
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