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Janosh Column “Perspective”

For those of you who are familiar with my work you will know that each hologram has an influence on a specific part of our sub conscious. I call them codes because they help you to decipher the knowledge that is hidden within you. Each code contains information in the form of a frequency, in other words: an energetic vibration that resonates with our feelings. In my columns I talk about my experiences that happen when I receive these frequencies. Regularly I talk about the one, which is the strongest at the moment and give my opinion about the development of this theme.


The Holiday Season is over and here and there everyone is gradually picking up the thread of their daily lives. Personally I look back on a wonderful New Year’s Party at our Art Centre where I loved the energy and the connectedness. I spoke to a lot of people, who after the activation in the theatre saw the light again and I can tell you that I really got a good dose of inspiration from this. The code PERSPECTIVE (which was central) has had a considerable influence on me. It was a frequency, which I could not place straightaway and I was afraid to bring it out into the open when I first made it, as I received this code early in December.  As I often explain about how my codes come to fruition it is important that I can feel them too. I have to experience them first myself, so that I can bring the message across properly. There is no point in me in trying to perform a trick.

When I sat in front on my computer looking at the result there was no revival … more confusion. I sat with my head to one side staring at my screen and thought: it is not straight. Even so I did not have the feeling that I had to make changes. The code was perfect, exactly as I had seen it, I only felt very little about it. The only thing that came to mind whilst I was constantly tilting my head from one side to the other was the word ‘Perspective’.  The way in which you look at reality. Not a lot more happened and I let it go. I had a busy programme for the end of the year and no opportunity to stay with this theme, so I had to be patient. The message would come by itself.

‘It is how you look at it’

A couple of weeks went by and I did not think about the new code a lot, but things began to change. I started to talk differently, to think differently. I discussions I subconsciously changed my choice of words and I introduced my new sentence: ‘It is how you look at it’. With realizing, I started to draw the energy inside and if I am honest: it was quite confusing! On the one hand I did not want another process. After writing God meets God over the past one and a half year I hoped to end 2013 in a peaceful and happy way. I had planned to spend some extra time with my family and I was content with that. At the same time it was the controlling energy that opened my eyes for renewal, which meant that I could not sit still and wanted to suddenly change everything. I was no longer contented with what I had, even though on the one hand I was doing my best to keep the well-known habits I have had for years under control. I suddenly lost my turn and felt like a yoyo, swinging completely from one side to the other.

In the meantime I tried to keep myself ‘up’ by staying positive. My glass was half full, not half empty! I have a fantastic project, a team of wonderful people and the freedom to develop everything just as I want. What reason did I have to complain? There was nothing to worry myself about, so where was that restless feeling coming from? After much searching and digging, I got the feeling that it just had to do with the end of the year and that I would start a new phase in my life in 2014. After all in November 2013 it was ten years ago that I received my first code and at the time I paid little attention to this. Perhaps it was a moment to allow everything to digest and I just underestimated how I was going to react. It would be naive to think that it only had to do with my new code … or not?

‘Am I living in this world’?

Early in the New Year the insight came. Perhaps you know that feeling that you make unnecessary efforts to get an answer to something, that you make connections that are not there, that you drive yourself completely mad with strange thoughts that mean nothing and that finally the confirmation is quite subtle and comes at a moment when you least expect it. This happened to me on New Year’s Day when I was lying on the sofa at home, clicking through the television channels and started to watch the News.  I really don’t watch a lot of television and if I do sit down in front of it, it is certainly not to see the News.  I prefer to watch things that give me energy and the News does not come into that category, purely because I cannot understand why the majority of the reports have such a negative charge. The more dramatic the item, the greater the time and attention paid to it. But ok, for this one time I thought, let me put my opinions to one side and watch what is happening around the world. In the end I am also a part of it.

It took twenty minutes and I was quite shocked at what I saw. By the first item my mouth fell open with surprise. It was about the events that had taken place here in The Netherlands on New Year’s Eve. Apart from the reports about the wounded after incidents with fireworks, apparently some people had died and animals blown up.  I can still see myself sitting there, flabbergasted by the sounds coming out of the television. ‘Am I living in this world’ I asked myself. But the drama was not over yet. The second item was about a young man in Africa who was tortured for his homosexuality. Again I asked myself: ‘Am I a part of this world?’ By the time the first positive item was reported, my whole head was full of misery. My whole mood was affected by the reporting of sad events, which I would have preferred not to hear. I could do nothing about it but my whole mood completely changed.

Why the News had such a deep effect on me I don’t know, but it really affected me. I felt as though I had been tipped to the wrong side and I lost my drive and optimism. If I was enthusiastic about my many plans for the New Year, suddenly I felt nothing. In retrospect I can say that my whole perspective completely changed. Suddenly I felt completely down and had strange thoughts, which I did not recognize. I began to doubt my plans: my passion, my project. I asked myself if I had not flipped out of my fervour of trying to improve the world, with the illusion that I can make a difference by helping people regain their power. Isn’t it naive to think that I can help them with what I do? Have I really disconnected myself from the world that I can no longer see what is really happening? Have I started to believe in something that it is impossible? How come passion? How come help? ‘This is a futile exercise.’ How can I be so positive and announce that we all have the strength to bring love and peace to the earth? I don’t even feel at home here! How can I still function when twenty minutes of the News tell me exactly how it is? Am I not fooling myself? Am I not fooling others.

‘Are you sure?’

OK, perhaps that was a bit dramatic, but I just happen to experience things intensely. I am a person of ‘all or nothing’ and this was obviously the side of ‘nothing’. In one sudden moment I completely turned around and could not see it anymore. My passion, my self-confidence, my happiness, my pride; it was all gone. I had no more control. And what surprised me the most was the way it happened. In the past I have dealt with a number of setbacks, but that always gave me the strength to carry on. And now I watch the News once and I am about to give up! That is impossible?

Hesitating I drove next morning to the Art Centre to prepare the presentation that I was going to give two days later during the Open Day. It was already agreed that Perspective was going to be the theme for January, but with the lack of inspiration I was nearly prepared to cancel the whole day. Finally when I sat down in front of my computer the energy suddenly began to change when I made contact with the code.

Suddenly I realized what the News had meant, it was to test me. After all the plans that I had made for the New Year, I received a sort of pop-up before my eyes: ‘Are you sure’? Curiously all the positive feelings came back. I felt my power return and my emotions calm down. The things that were making me so agitated did not seem important anymore. Suddenly there was fire again, the aggression and even stronger, my belief in my mission. I needed the News to feel something I had not felt before, it is not the surroundings but me who decides what the reality is.  That this world needs me, you and other pioneers. Who dares to stand up in this hard society and open the way to love and freedom?  The more people who tune into what makes them happy, the more influence we can have on the network to which we are connected. Yes, I can feel it again and actually my mission was never in danger. I allowed myself to be misled by looking at things differently.

With renewed motivation I made my resolutions for 2014 as follows: I want to inspire even more people and give them self-confidence to be who they are and to do what they love doing the most. I want to open more hearts and connect more souls. What a relief! I can feel the creativity tingling in all my cells and if you ask me now where I have been? I have not got a clue! Sometimes it is just the glasses through which you look.

“This is going to be my year’

What gives you a good feeling? Ask yourself each and every day. It is so important that you feel fire and have pleasure, because this is the fuel that you need to keep the motor running. It is the energy that helps you create your dreams. Use it and you are energetically building up a better world. It does not matter what you do, where you come from of what dream you have, just as long as you are happy.  Don’t allow yourself to be seduced into adapting yourself to a world that is not open to love. Choose for yourself instead of doing what the masses expect of you. Dare to do what you feel, what you believe and in things that you are utterly convinced about (how ever crazy it seems). And if you get really challenged or you cannot bear it any longer, turn your attention to things that go right. See the sunny side. Don’t go digging like I did, because it does not give you anything other than doubts and uncertainties.  It is often not so difficult as it seems.

Change your perspective and change your life. Believe me, it is possible to do just that in a fraction of a second. You do not need a lot. It can be at any moment, if you so choose. Use my code and focus for a while on the centre until the hologram begins to ‘move’. Attune yourself to what makes you happy and see what happens. Inspire yourself and your fellow man to get absolutely everything out of life and having said that I hope that you can say to yourself with self-confidence: ‘this is going to be my year!’ I wish you all success and love!

In order to cut a diamond, you have to look at each and every facet.

From hear to heart.


Марина Кузнецова

Классно! Спасибо тебе Янош! Ты вновь и вновь поддерживаешь и вдохновляешь меня на моем пути!))) Спасибо за перевод Елизавете!)))

Ольга Лынник

Благодарю, Янош, Лиза! Очень вдохновляет!

Nadezhda Leznova

БЛАГОДАРЮ за поддержку и вдохновение, желание СОТВОРЯТЬ РАДОСТЬ и ЛЮБОВЬ.

Татьяна Надейкина


Марина Калюнова

Благодарю, Янош, как всегда синхронистично

Тамара Сизова

Что наполняет вас хорошими чувствами? Спрашивайте себя об этом каждый день. Это так важно чтобы вы чувствовали огонь и радость, потому что это топливо, которое вам необходимо чтобы жить. Это энергия, которая помогает вам претворять ваши мечты в жизнь. Пользуйтесь ею, таким образом вы энергетически строите лучший мир.

Ольга Барышева

Благодарю! Вы выразили то, что чувствовала я в последнее время. )))

Gulnara Mironenko

благодарю тебя Янош. тоже самое чувствовала я в первый день Нового Года. и так сегодня потянула зайти и посмотреть еще раз интервью с тобой и вот нашла точный ответ что со мной происходило, я так же решила надо двигаться вперед, ведь все это время мне так было хорошо.И это моя реальность и мне хорошо в ней.


Благодарю ,Янош. Вы совершили чудо со мной ! Я несколько дней пыталась выйти из состояния “комы” потому что потеряла веру в свою мечту в свое счастье, благодаря мнению человека со стороны. Я верю что это мой год воплощение моей мечты, желаний и любви!
У меня есть к вам вопрос , как или в какой рубрике я могу его вам задать?


Все вопросы Вы можете задавать через меню “Контакты”

Руслан Рахимджанов

Созвучно… Окрыляет…

“Это будет мой год!”

БЛАГОДАРЮ Янош, Елизавета и Ко….

Надежда Хоботова

Благодарю всех!Это то,что мне надо было в данный момент.Появилась вера в то,что “Это будет мой год!”


Благодарю Яноша, благодарю всех! Настроение изменилось в лучшую сторону! Желаю всем счастья!(:smile:)

Svetlana Petrunkina

Благодарю, Янош! Всем счастья, здоровья, любви, благополучия, процветания!!!!

Галина """"""""""


Leonora Shparyova

БЛАГОДАРЮ, ЯНОШ! Читала и понимала, что такое сейчас происходит со многими. Я знаю, что наполняет меня хорошими чувствами!
Ещё раз БЛАГОДАРЮ!!!



Марина Жебрякова

Благодарю за пример! Мир меняется. Я выбираю свой мир, я хочу жить в том мире, в котором мне радостно и комфортно! Это мой осознанный выбор. С сожалением ощущаю, что мой мир и мир моих подруг!!! расходится. Наблюдаю. Но это именно так. Планета свободного выбора!!!

Яковлева Людмила

Благодарю Янош!!!Услышала очень ценные мысли для себя-я больше не делаю того что ожидают от меня другие.



Наталья Панова

Благодарю! Это будет мой год!

Нина Ромка

БЛАГОДАРЮ! Точно такие же мысли меня посещали…. Это будет Мой год!

Anna Krestinina

Благодарю, Янош! Это будет Мой Год!

Людмила Филатова

Благодарю Яноша за эту исповедь . ведь многие били подвержены этим чувствам.Янош ты нам подарил драгоценный подарок на этот год!!!!Как здорово что такие Боги есть среди нас и ведут к Свету. Благодарна Елизовете и Данилу за их бескорыстное Служение.


ЭТО МОЙ 2014 ГОД!!!

Премудрая Лана

Великолепно!!! Янош БЛАГО дарю ОГРОМНОЕ!!!
Я МОГУ в этом тяжёлом обществе смело встать и открыться Любви и Свободе!!!!

Это будет мой год!


Это будет мой год! Смелости мне и всем, чтоб принять новое, любовь, открыть своё сердце)


Совершенно согласна с Яношем, всё, что с ним происходило как испытание, очень срезонировало, потому что похожие мысли посещали меня тоже не раз:) а ты уверена, что то, чем ты занимаешься, что составляет твою истинную “страсть”, так уж и нужно людям, услышат ли они тебя, услышат ли то, что так близко твоему сердцу. И когда отбросив все мысли, прислушалась к своему сердцу, к тем , ни с чем несравнимым ощущениям умиротворения, радости, блаженства и благодати одновременно, то в то же мгновение осознала – разве что-то ещё может быть прекраснее этого слияния с вечностью, с истиной, с любовью. Ты и есть эта Любовь, эта Истина, эта Вечность. И нет ничего другого, кроме Единства, кроме Я Есмь… И это будет мой год!!!


Благодарю. Это мой год!!!

Ирина Захарова

Благодарю!!! Это будет мой год!!! Это есть моя жизнь!!!

Ольга Лынник

Супер! Это Мой Год и Это Моя Жизнь!!! БлагоДарю!!!

Наталья Шарапова

Благодарю тебя Янош.Это очень очень искренне и с Любовью.Вдохновения и Любви всем нам. Намастэ.

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