Holographic Being
The last frequency received from my Arcturian friends in the Celestial series. Just before the start of a new year a whole new series with new frequencies that will fully start in the new year.
Powerful frequencies that will be used in, among other things, the retreat in Montserrat in February, the new training Holographic Healing, the new Card set (expected in March) and much more. Stay Tuned…
Holographic Being – The Code of Total Integration.
This code embodies the realization that each individual is a holographic reflection of the entire cosmos, containing all aspects of existence within themselves. It represents the unification of human, cosmic, and divine, illuminating the profound truth of our interconnectedness with all that is.
Share a 💜 if it resonates…
Heart to Heart, Janosh

Благодарю, за восхитительный код.
Ощущаю себя частью всего космоса.
Во мне есть всё. Принимаю потоки Божественного и передаю их другим.
Очень мощный код. Сразу соединение энергий пошло.
Благодарю. Накрывает. Принимаю с благодарностью.