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This frequency is all about revitalization, a reminder to open your chakras and let cosmic energies flow through your being.

Picture it like a refreshing breeze that rejuvenates your spirit and empowers your life.

Revitalization helps you to open your chakras and allows cosmic energies to flow through your body, ultimately refreshing your spirit and empowering your life.

Here’s why: each chakra holds a different key to our awakening and transformation.

And when you unlock the mysteries of each of your chakras, you will truly realize that you are not the body and not even the mind.

You are the Eternal Spirit.

Another way of thinking about it is, that chakras are like the secret gateways to our inner universe.

Did you know that the first written account of chakras was found in the Vedas, an ancient compilation of texts written between 1500 and 500 BC in India?

The ancient writings say a chakra is shaped like a sphere, just as planet Earth is the main chakra of the solar system and a minor chakra of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

In our bodies, they’re energy centers that reside along the spine, each radiating a specific color and energy.

But they don’t just affect your physical body; they’re deeply intertwined with your spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being.

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