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Learning from your mistakes is absolutely fine, but sometimes it can be too much. You have the idea that you are a victim of your environment. However, nothing happens without reason. Just as there are beautiful moments, there are negative ones too, which you have to go through. There are no peaks without valleys!
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Siht on seatud. Teie ees laotub lahti tee… Lõpuks ometi on teile ilmunud aeg ja võimalus teha seda, mida olete alati tahtnud teha – mitte miski ega mitte keegi ei saa teid peatada. Või saab? Kõik komponendid on koos ja valmis, kuid ometi ei soorita te läbimurret. Te olite endas nii kindel. Kõik oli selge.

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Loomulik Aeg

Me kõik teame oma käitumisšabloone, millest tahaksime lahti saada. Iga kord, kui miski jälle kordub, mõistame, et see on ju vaja lahti lasta, et see jälle pead ei tõstaks ega sunniks meid lahendama harjumuseks saanud ülesandeid, ikka ja jälle. Niisugune duell on tegelikult lihtsam, kui näib. See pole probleemi lahendamine, see on vaid TEADVUSTAMINE.

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Каждая неделя характеризуется своей собственной частотой, имеющей свой собственный смысл. Настраиваясь на неё, ты активируешь ту часть внутри самого себя, которая связана с ней. Сделай несколько глубоких вдохов, сосредоточься на центре кода и почувствуй, каким образом он будет воздействовать на тебя.
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Seeing what is actually happening beyond reality by looking beyond the veils. It gives you more insight into where we, are moving towards as mankind.
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Sometimes you feel something happen inside where the only thing you can do is take action. A deep desire within is touched and you just have to do something about it. It cannot wait, the feeling is so strong! Suddenly all the feelings of fear, doubt and uncertainty disappear.
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Vastsündinud aeg

Tagasiteed ei ole: meie evolutsiooni lõppetapp on alanud. See on periood alates 2012.aastast, mil me läheme üle uuele teadvusele.
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Te kujunete ümber. See tähendab, et teie transformatsioon puudutab energeetilise kõrval ka füüsilist tasandit. Peavalude ja väsimuse põhjus peitub selles.
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When you are dealing with others you are not completely yourself. You adapt yourself and as such give yourself away. Every time that you do this, you lose energy. It is just as if each and every time you give a bit of yourself away. You make all sorts of connections that slow down your process and gradually you begin to forget who you are and what you want. You get the feeling that you need something outside yourself, when in fact you are really looking for a way to make yourself whole again.
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