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You are very focused on perfection and that is why you don’t allow yourself to make any mistakes. You give too much attention to what is not right, what is going wrong, where you are at a standstill etc. You judge yourself and sometimes it goes even further than that. You immediately feel guilty, because whatever you do; you never do it exactly right. From that feeling of guilt you compensate to please others, because you don’t want to disappoint anybody or fall short. All these behavioral patterns sabotage your own success. Loe edasi…


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Teie Eluplaan ei asu peas, seda hoitakse teie südames. Te ei saa planeerida kõike ette ainult ratsionaalselt, mõtlemisprotsessi kaudu, sest teie hing ei tee nii. Väga tähtis on leida ühendus sisemise tarkusega, julgeda olla aus ja tõepoolest tunda, mida  tahate, kuidas te seda tahate, ja milline on teie missioon.
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You have started a process and the longer it continues, the more difficult it becomes. Beforehand you had not expected that it would cost you so much time and energy. In the meantime all sorts of thoughts are playing in your mind and distracting you from your goal. Am I doing it right? Should it be this way? Is there another way? Is there another path? Do I have it in me? Can I do this?
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You make a jump in your personal development. New inspiration and experiences have lifted you to the next level. But then it happens: a relapse. You find yourself in situations that you thought you left behind. It’s almost like all the wonderful progress that you made has vanished. You don’t know yourself anymore, and it seems like everything is against you. And then the old patterns come back. The ones you thought you released because of all the internal work you’ve done. Loe edasi…


Mõtted on vibratsioonid, mis muunduvad manifestatsiooniks (ilmnemiseks). See on  lihtne fakt, millest teadlikud on vähesed. Kui detailselt visualiseerite te oma eesmärke, kui tugev on energia, mida tõmbate ligi? See ei ole kõrgem matemaatika, vaid kosmiline seadus, mis toimib miljoneid aastaid. 
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Imprint (jälg)

Iga nädal  toome teieni jälle uue Janosh’i sageduse.

Elu – see ei ole lineaarne aeg, elu on loomine. See on jäljend teie  paljudest valikutest. Miski jääb,  miski kaob  kiirelt – nagu pidevad muutusedki  teie elus. Loe edasi…


Meie eneseotsing jõuab lõpule. Alustasime juba viimast sisemist teekonda, mis viib tundeni, et oleme jõudnud tagasi koju enese sees. Võitlus Hea ja Kurja vahel taganeb ja loovutab koha uuele teadvusele. Tee on pikk ja minna raske.
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Our energy field is like a breath; it expands and deflates. And every time it repeats we send out energy and bring new energy in. That is how we resonate with one another and the universe and share our knowledge in an immense field of consciousness. Just like breathing, it is important that you regulate this flow. Loe edasi…


You are more than your body. Your soul has an inexhaustible strength and is connected with the cosmos. Life on Earth is just an opportunity to learn important lessons which enable you to grow. Every step that you take and every experience you have, enlightens your soul. Even if you experience misfortune, it is important to know that you chose this subconsciously.
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