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Me läheneme teisele teadvusetasandile ülemineku finaalile Universaalses mastaabis.  See on  laine, mis käivitas protsessi meie initsiatsiooni suunas, mis omakorda viib täieliku muutuseni ühtse teadvuse maksmapanekuks. Te saate tundma, kuidas saabub energia, mis initsieerib teis teie loomuliku sisemise jõu. Teil tuleb meelde, kes te olete tõeliselt ja mille jaoks  kehastusite Maal sel ajaperioodil.
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You climb to a level of consciousness, beyond the limits of intellect. Your sensitivity grows from incentives from outside: energies, symbols, instructions, inspirations, and emotions from others. It’s feels as if your senses are sharpened enabling you to see the reality even more clearly. With this sensitivity also comes responsibility, because you can grasp situations quicker than others, prepare for incidents and anticipate opposing powers.
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Solving the inner struggle between a human and a soul by allowing desires to merge with one another. The need for safety and security which typifies a human, may go together with the thirst for adventure of the soul.
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Kõik, mida me eluks vajame, on Maa peal meie jaoks loodud külluses. Hirmud, eelarvamused ja enesekindluse puudumine ei lase meil seda tõsiasja mõista. Meil tekivad sageli raskused vastuvõtmisega, sest meil on kalduvus uskuda, et midagi ei jätku, midagi on puudu. Me klammerdume julgeoleku ehk turvatunde idee külge, sest kardame, et jääme millestki ilma. Loe edasi…


You are looking for your own truth, but you just can’t get to it. It is just as if you are not digging deep enough to discover the treasures within. When you try to identify where your passion lies, you get caught in a distracting web of thinking patterns.
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Self Love

Every week a different frequency will be made available to you, each with a meaning. By tuning in, you can activate that part in yourself that is connected to this. Take a few deep breaths, focus on the centre and feel what it does with you.
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We must be aware that momentum born of old habits and destructive behaviors might be momentum, but it’s momentum slammed into reverse.

Bad habits can jeopardize your health, waste your energy and time, prevent you from accomplishing your goals, and interrupt your life. While most people would agree that these habits are bad, they still do them. But the situation is not hopeless.
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You have taken decisions that you don’t entirely agree with anymore. What felt good begins to become more doubtful. You ask yourself if you are on the right path, even though you cannot exactly describe why you feel this. Listen to this feeling before you take new steps.
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Source Code

The architecture of everything in nature and the cosmos, so that every element connects, so that we can derive our consciousness.

This frequency allows you to make contact with the Source, which provides healing and the memory of your ultimate creation in life.
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Inner Voice

We all know that little voice inside that tells us what we should and should not do. We often receive opposing messages, just as if we are limping on two thoughts. On the one hand you have the heart frequency: loving, positive and confident. This is the voice that tells you the truth and shows you the right way. Loe edasi…