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Freedom is something special. You recogniseit as a feeling of complete inhibition where you can completely be yourself, without caring about how others feel about you. This is a rare feeling because we don’t have it all the time. Especially in our work environment, and also in social contacts, we miss the freedom to say and do what we really want.
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You are determined to grow, but not to take the steps that are needed. Subconsciously you don’t believe you are really worth it to create the happiness you deserve. From that energy you tend to sabotage your own success. For this you blame everything and everyone, including yourself, but meanwhile you stay where you are without getting further.
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We all have had days when it is hard to look at ourselves in the mirror and we disapprove of what we see, wondering: ‘What am I actually worth?!’ We blame ourselves for everything and enlarge the tiniest of flaws into painful drama. We think we have failed, we think we don’t do well enough, we wait too timidly or we are too enthusiastic.
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New times are coming. You have seen the light and you are ready to sail your own course, on the way to your new reality. If you leave the harbour, you have to realise that sometimes you may have to leave someone behind. Not everyone can and wants to go with you. Please know that it is not egoistic to choose for yourself.
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To be who you are is a mutually healing process, both for yourself and for the people around you. Where and when can you be the real you? Do you allow yourself to be who you really are? Or are there any hidden points?
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We all know the (Dutch) expression: ‘don’t throw away old shoes before you buy new ones.’ A well-known proverb which we often comply with when we want to change. However, you are not your job, your home or the balance on your bank account. These are just illusions which you project as a kind of safety net.
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It is a typical human thought that everything has an end. The same way most of us consider a glass to be half empty instead of half full. However, this doesn’t apply for your creative power.
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You experience disharmony in your life, but you are not sure why. There is something that prevents you from being yourself and encourages you to oppose yourself from others. Often subconscious saboteurs are preventing us from daring to feel what is keeping us preoccupied.
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You feel that you want to change your life. Deep in your heart you know that something has to change but you keep having doubts.
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Time is pressing to let go of our judgments. If we jump towards Wholeness Consciousness, in time we will notice that the alleged duality within ourselves will gradually disappear. We will start to realise more and more that the outer is not only a reflection of the inner, but also that Good and Bad are two sides of the same coin.
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You know more than you think, much more than you have ever read in books or experienced in life. You possess a cosmic knowledge, which you can refer to if you connect with your Higher Self. This is your inner source where all inspiration, dreams and spontaneous ideas originate.
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