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Many talk about unconditional love. It is a beautiful intention, but for us as humans (with limited thinking patterns) it is almost impossible to share in terms of unconditional love. This is however, the energy that the soul really desires. We look for it in our relationships and friendships, but forget to put ourselves in first place.
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Nothing is right or wrong. If you live according to your heart you cannot take any wrong action. Even if you know that you have not done something just right, there is no reason to punish yourself.
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Sometimes you have to make choices you would rather not. Often there are doubts, because you have to deal with all kinds of risk. It is important to know which emotion influences your decision. Is it fear or love? Loe edasi…


Minevikku ja selle negatiivsetesse aspektidesse kinni jäämine avaldab mõju tulevikule. On tähtis teada, et kogu teie minevikukogemus oli suures osas  määratud ära teie hinge poolt. Enne oma sündi Maale te valisite selle tee oma hinge kasvuks.
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On saabunud aeg vaadata ettepoole. Mis juhtus, see juhtus – see on teie kogemus. Tõde ei eksisteeri, seega pole mõtet vaadata tagasi ja midagi otsida. Kümned tuhanded põlvkonnad on otsinud vastuseid. Miljonid on jutlustanud ja rääkinud. Tuhanded on omistanud sellele  tähendust. Sajad on väljunud oma mugavustsoonist.  Ja vaid üksikutel on õnnestunud muuta ajalugu.
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Maa muutmise projekt jätkub. Midagi grandioosset on kaasaja maailma paljude probleemide taga… Aegamööda ilmub see välja meie isikliku mängu loori tagant. See on veel tabamatu teadvus, tunne, mis viib meid PRAEGU seisundisse. Vanade poliitiliste ja majanduslike süsteemide kokku varisedes kasvab meis soov, et saabuks uus maailm, mis poleks enam allutatud hirmule, lootuse ja mille iganes puuduoleku tundele. Me jõudsime lõpule draama ja sotsiaalse rahutusega, mis hoiavad meid justkui vangis.
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Growth of consciousness takes place in stages. That is why certain processes are being re-started and we go through the same thing again. It makes us despair from time to time. Then we think: ‘Hold on, haven’t I been through this before? I thought I already worked this out!’
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Whatever we think about, we bring about. When acting out of fear, we create a reality which reflects this. So be aware of what you transmit in your thoughts. Develop your power of thought and create what you really want.
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Tegevuse jõud

Teile aitab igasugustest vanadest korduvatest hirmudest ja veendumustest? Need hoiavad teid lahus oma jõust, oma tugevusest ja teevad teid nõrgaks. Seda enam, et näib, nagu oleks teadvuse kasv jõudnud oma kulminatsioonini: raamatutest ja seminaridelt pole enam midagi uut leida. Te võisite puudutada tuuma, olemust, ent tõeline muutumine seisab veel alles ees.

Mida on vaja, et kõik ümberringi muutuks?
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You are unsure about your future. The fear of losing is growing within you. Time after time, you put yourself in situations that always wind up disappointing you. And that is making you unsure of yourself and impatient about getting out of these situations. So you’re thinking about making drastic changes. But impulsive decisions are not the solution. They will only create more tension and will undermine or even destroy the good that you have already built up in your life. Loe edasi…

Possibilities (Opportunities)

You have a passion, something that makes you happy, but you are afraid to think big. The ultimate dream seems far away because you don’t see the opportunities. For that reason we often consider that something is impossible. There is too much to learn, to solve, to figure out and too little time or means to do it. Also, we often think we need something outside ourselves.
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