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Aktivācija: Jutīgums

This activation will bring out the best in you. In only a few minutes you will reach a state of being that normally would take hours of meditation. In the movie the hologram is built up from layers and by focussing on the middle both sides of the brain will be re-balanced. It will clear your mind and give you a huge energetic boost!

Activation is also available in Janosh app ->

Aktivācija: Self-Love

This activation will bring out the best in you. In only a few minutes you will reach a state of being that normally would take hours of meditation. In the movie the hologram is built up from layers and by focussing on the middle both sides of the brain will be re-balanced. It will clear your mind and give you a huge energetic boost! You find it in the app.

Activation – Unity Consciousness

We need to pray for love NOW.

No words, no thoughts, no politics, no meaning, senseless violence, innocent victims, no conviction or beliefs, just love that is all each and every person needs, unconditional love, help one another to bring heaven back to earth!

Let’s all pray together for love, do the activation Unity Consciousness and open your heart and set the intention and connect with one another across the globe. This activation will be online until Xmas. Let’s put the intention to bring love back to this Earth.

On these joyous days, and throughout the new year, may your life be filled with an abundance of love.

Heart to Heart, Janosh

What is an activation?

A short session in which you focus on the centre of the hologram, which is made up from geometrical patterns built up layer by layer. It is with especially composed music, in which you can quickly achieve a feeling, where you would have had to meditate for a long time. The activations are healing, inspiring and powerful. Certain knowledge or experience with meditation is unnecessary. Enjoy!

Aktivācija: Seksualitāte

Seksualitāte ir visspēcīgāka enerģija, ko cilvēks var piedzīvot. Tas ir Augstākās Esamības Stāvokļa katalizators un lielākais stimuls mūsu pašapziņai, pašnovērtējumam un kreativitātei. Ikviens, kurš prot atraisīt seksuālo spriedzi, glabā atslēgu pie patiesas brīvības. Tāpēc, lūdzu, esiet apzināti savās sajūtās par seksualitāti.

Frekvence Seksualitāte atver kanālu seksuālai enerģijai, radot lielāku iespēju brīvai mīlestības un dzīves spēka plūsmai.

Aktivācija: Pārspēšana (ANG)

Мои приветствия всем!

Наша цель — выйти за рамки старого, за рамки прошлого.

Та частота, та энергия, которую мы используем сегодня, основана на любви — мы соединяемся сегодня друг с другом через любовь. Мы также проведём сегодня медитацию. Lasīt vairāk

Aktivācija: Darbības spēks (ENG-RUS)

Esi laipni gaidīts, dārgais un īpašais cilvēk! Lūdzu, iekārtojies ērtāk. Šodien mēs dosimies ceļojumā. Mēs pētīsim sava prāta zemapziņas dzīles, kur var atrast visas atbildes: informāciju par to, kas tu esi, kāpēc tu šeit esi, no kurienes esi nācis un kurp tu dodies. Mēs iznesīsim dienasgaismā tavas dvēseles plānu, lai noskaidrotu, kādu pieredzi šajā dzīvē tu esi izvēlējies apgūt un kāpēc tu to esi izvēlējies. Nekas nevar noiet greizi, jo viss ir iepriekš noteikts. Izvēles nav jāizdara tāpēc, lai augtu, bet lai tu saprastu, kāpēc tu esi izdarījis konkrēto izvēli. Nedomā! Neizvirzi mērķus! Dvēsele var uzglabāt tikai tik, cik tā var. Tikai atceries, ka tu esi unikāla būtne, un visas zināšanas ir tevī. Tagad ir laiks ievadīt kodus un atvērt vārtus uz mūsu pasauli. Atbrīvojies no visa un ļaujies! Mēs tevi gaidām otrā pusē. Lasīt vairāk

Aktivācija: Uzvara (RUS)

Lepojies ar sevi un sajūti savus spēku! Lepojies, ka tu esi mēģinājis un pārliecini sevi, ka nākamreiz tev veiksies

Aktivācija: Cikls (RUS)

Katra revolūcija veido jaunu pieredzi, kas sāk īstenoties tad, kad uzdrošināmies palaist vaļā veco pieredzi.

Atceries, ka palaist vaļā nav tas pats kā kaut ko zaudēt. Palaist vaļā nozīmē saņemt kaut ko. Citiem vārdiem sakot, noslauki virsmu no netīrumiem un, to darīdams, tu atbrīvosi vietu kaut kam jaunam.

Aktivācija “Cikls” palīdzēs iziet no vāveres riteņa, lai atbrīvotu dzīvē vietu kaut kam pilnīgi jaunam.

Aktivācija: Atklāšanās (RUS)

Ir pienācis laiks iznākt gaismā, parādīt, kas jūs esat īstenībā, izteikt savu patiesību, aizmirstot bailes no atraidījuma.

Let’s connect with Love Activation!

Let’s connect worldwide and connect with the LOVE ACTIVATION webinar!

On the 14th February we celebrate Valentine’s Day, a day which is all about love. We express our feelings with a card or a present, but wouldn’t it be lovely to give something to yourself? Be your own Valentine this year during the Love Activation, a one off webinar to enrich your mind and body with love. We are going to do that with two live activations, which will be devoted to open your heart, in combination with exercises to allow the energy to flow through your entire body. Embrace this beautiful broadcast, allow all the cares and doubts to slip away and just enjoy yourself!

The journey to your heart

Love is everything we need. It is the energy that feeds us, that lifts us up, allows us to grow and that helps us to rise above the daily concerns. Love is what strengthens us to walk our challenging life path. We see it the best in people close to us, but not if we look in the mirror. Let Valentine’s Day 2017 be the door, which leads to more self-love and to find yourself on the other side in a state of complete peace, trust and unconditional love. Enroll for free in this one-off extended webinar with Janosh and take the journey with him to your heart.

What is an activation?

In each and everyone one of us hides an immeasurable power that enables us to create everything that we want. This sleeping consciousness lies buried beneath layers of fear, behavior and restraining beliefs, just waiting to be activated. The quickest way to achieve this is to make contact with Sacred Geometry (also known as the ‘Language of the Soul’). Janosh has developed a unique method, in which you focus on his holograms that are made up of geometrical patterns, built up and down layer by layer. It is a short session with colorful images and specially composed music, in which you quickly reach a state of Being which would normally have taken a long time to meditate. The activations are healing, inspiring and powerful. Previous knowledge or experience with meditation is not necessary.

Tuesday 14th February 2017 at 21.00 hrs (8pm GMT)

Feel free to join this webinar, in which we build a strong connection together and activate the best in ourselves. You can enroll through a registration page, after which you will receive more details. This webinar will be given in English.

Register for free: