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Uzmanību! Janoša aktivizācijas un meditācijas, kas pieejamas apmaksātā abonementā

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What is your theme today?

Pick a card and allow yourself to be inspired by the Cosmic Care cards by Janosh, with a message. To pick a card, click on the button below.

The text tells you what the theme of the card is. Then you can activate the energy in yourself by focusing on the geometrical code. Relax your body, breathe slowly and focus on the middle.

Inner Liberation

You came into this world as a child, pure and loving. You laughed when you were happy, you cried when you were afraid. Love and fear were the only emotions you knew, which made everything simple. As you got older, you learned that love was equal to pain. You were rejected increasingly, because not everyone wanted to be your friend. There were rules for what you could and could not do and if you didn’t follow the rules, you were punished. Thus the freedom that you once had as a child, was slowly taken away from you.

The years have taught you that freedom is something that you must earn; something you must work for. You know no different than having to meet certain demands before you get recognition. Whoever wants to be free, must remember that freedom cannot be found outside ourselves. It is a State of Being, a limitless feeling that you can create yourself. You don’t need to do anything to achieve this, you only have to remember.

Freedom is the outcome of unconditional love, the energy you came into the world with and within this lies your power.
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The Reset

Reset yourself, reset your life! At the core of The Reset is the message that at any moment there is an opportunity for a reset. A refresh on life. A new mindset.

A reset is your personal empowerment “button” — accessible anytime you desire change.

Resetting isn’t about beating yourself up, feeling bad or staying stuck. A reset is about embracing a positive attitude towards change and finding opportunities for personal growth even in the hardest of times.
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